Ch. 33 - Nerf Wars

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IT'S THE DAY before the New York Trip, and I was packing my suitcase

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IT'S THE DAY before the New York Trip, and I was packing my suitcase.

Yes, I realize that I should have packed sooner. But every time I try and pack, I get sidetracked and I totally forget about it.

"I do my hair toss, check my nails," I sung along with the song playing in my earbuds.

Summer was laying on my bed, chewing on a toy. When I walked back into my room with a handful of clothes, I saw Brent leaning against the door frame.

I jumped, dropping all of the clothes. I took my earbuds out of my ears, and Brent walked over to me from the doorway. Summer stood up from the bed, and she left the room.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Brent said with a smile.

"You didn't," I quickly said, grabbing my clothes off the floor.

"I'm pretty sure I did," Brent argued as I set my clothes on my bed.

"Didn't," I replied as I started folding a pair of pants.

Brent wrapped his arms around me, and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I did to," Brent whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Brent, I love you, but if I don't get this packing done right now, I'll forget and I'll be running behind in the morning," I told him, making him groan.

"I just want to cuddle," he said with a pout.

I sighed, giving in. "Fine, but only for a few minutes."

Brent smiled like like a child getting candy. He picked me up by the waist, and we landed on the bed. I snuggled into Brent's chest, wrapping my arms around him. Brent put his chin on my head, and his arms rested around my upper stomach.

"Only five minutes," I mumbled.


It wasn't five minutes.

We fell asleep for two hours.

After we woke up, I continued my packing as Brent watched The Originals. I already watched the first two seasons, but I stopped so he could catch up with me.

"Okay, but like, if Elijah and Haley don't get together, I'm going to sue," Brent said before eating some popcorn.

I smiled as I put the last thing in the suitcase. I zipped it up, and I put it against the wall.

"Finally done," I said, climbing on the bed beside Brent.

I laid on his chest, and he wrapped an arm around me. Brent lifted up my shirt a little, and he drew small circles on my lower back.

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