Ch. 35 - Double Date

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WE HAVE BEEN IN NEW YORK CITY for three days now, and I love the city

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WE HAVE BEEN IN NEW YORK CITY for three days now, and I love the city. I have seen the Statue of Liberty, I have been to Central Park, and Brent and I spent the whole day yesterday walking around admiring the stores.

We even rode the subway twice.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Brent asked me as we laid in the bed.

"We can go see the Empire State Building," I suggested as he twirled a piece of my hair.

"We should do that later tonight. The view will be more beautiful," Brent replied, softly.

"Let's go to the Aquarium! I haven't been in one since I was little!" I said with a grin.

"Now, that is something I'm down for."

I threw the blanket off of me, and I grabbed a pair of ripped light washed jeans, a white bodysuit with short sleeves, and a black and white flannel.

I walked into the bathroom, and I changed into the outfit. Then I brushed my teeth and my hair. When I walked out into the bedroom, Brent was still in the bed.

"Brent! Come on! I want to see some sea animals!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my white vans.

"Five more minutes," he said, making me shake my head.

I slipped on my shoes, and I walked over to him. I threw the blanket off him, showing his naked upper body. He had sweatpants on, but no shirt.

"Hey, that was rude," Brent pouted as I put my hands on my hips.

"Brent James Mason, you will get out of this bed right now or so help me I will take away all of your Goldfish," I threatened, making his eyes widen.

Brent packed over thirty bags of Goldfish for this trip. Thirty bags. He will share with me, but nobody else.

"Fine, but only because you threatened the love of my life," Brent said, sitting up so his feet touched the ground.

My mouth dropped open. "I thought I was the love of your life?"

He shrugged, but smiled,"Ah, you're a close second."

"Am I now?" I asked with a smirk as I stepped in between his legs.

He nodded, and I leaned in to kiss him. Right before our lips met, I pulled away, making him groan.

"That's not fair," Brent argued as I walked over to my perfume.

"That's what you get," I replied, opening the cap.

I sprayed my perfume, and after I put the cap on the perfume, Brent wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I love you," Brent said, making me look up at him.

"More than Goldfish?"

He nodded,"More than Goldfish."

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