Demons, Dragons, and Undead, Oh My!

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Everyone stared in a mass of shock and awe. Demons of the Underworld, ShuShus fell from a dark portal in the sky of all different shapes and sizes, but none of them compared to the King of ShuShu, Rushu himself, who stood above them all laughing. A mass of odd whispers were then heard, causing Rushu to turn only to see the Stone of Sealing sitting there.

Rushu: "Ah! Jashin, my old pal. I see you haven't been released from your prison yet. But the Gong of the Battle Fight has sounded, meaning it's almost time?"

More whispers radiated from the Stone, causing Rushu to laugh.

Rushu: "AH HAHAA! Now that I think about it, it makes even more sense. The Suit boy who defeated me in my own realm being the Black Joker. Alright then! I'll even lend you some of my own Subject for your cause!"

After that, a dark aura radiated from the Sealing stone, as all the ShuShus touching the mountain, minus Rushu and Anathar themselves, were suddenly consumed by an odd force, transforming them into brand new terrible forms.

After that, a dark aura radiated from the Sealing stone, as all the ShuShus touching the mountain, minus Rushu and Anathar themselves, were suddenly consumed by an odd force, transforming them into brand new terrible forms

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Rushu: "Albiroachis? You sure know how to hold a grudge."

The Sealing stone let out an odd dark chuckling sound, as Qilby watched and listened from Rushu's shoulder. Meanwhile, Yugo was seen in the sky with Phearys as they watched the ShuShus decending from the portal.

Yugo: "Adamai? H-He isn't well!"

Phearys: "Your Brother had been possessed by a demon."

Yugo: "B-But how he was... with... Qilby?"

Yugo said as he saw Qilby in his brand new form standing on Rushu's shoulder.

Yugo: "What's going on? What happened to him?"

Phearys: "Qilby... this name resonates in Phearys' head like an evil echo from the past."

Yugo: "H-He must be the cause of this... but why? And why haven't I even heard of you Phearys?"

Phearys: "Phearys has been tasked by to keep this Island's Treasures a secret. He's also been tasked with Guarding the Stone of Sealing. Phearys has been doing both for Centuries Eliatrope child. An invisibility barrier kept anyone from getting close."

Yugo: "Like the one erected by Grougaloragran on Oma Island."

Y/n in distance: "GGGRRAAAHHH!"

Phearys: "Phearys remembers Grougaloragran."

Qilby then teleported to Anathar's side with a smile on his face.

Qilby: "Anathar. If you're interested that big beast in the sky will give you a chance to test your new powers."


Anathar roared before giant wings suddenly grew from his back and carried him into the sky, rocketing towards Phearys.

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