Warm Embrace

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Time stopped for the two boys; or that's what it seemed to them at least. The class made some sort of mental understanding between eachother to back up and let the two friends talk again. They knew how much the two-quirked boy had been hurting from the loss of his best—and only— close friend. He never talked about it, but they could tell the toll it took on him.

"Hey..." Midoryia breathed out into the cold air as tears welled up in his eyes.

Todoroki stood silently before slowly inching closer to the green haired boy. He seemed to doubt it was real. That it was actually happening and it wasn't just a dream.

With each trembling step, he quickened his pace until he stood only few feet in front of Midoryia, thats when he sprinted and jumped onto the male, embracing him in a tight hug, tears streaming down his face unwillingly. None of the students saw him cry as he hid his face well in Midoryia's neck.

Izuku was shocked for a second before wrapping his own arms around the taller boy.

"You're real... you're really here...?" Shoto choked out.

"Yeah... and I'm here to stay..." Izuku said in the spur of the moment, clinging to the boy's  shirt tightly.

Midoryia couldn't stay no matter how much he wanted to. He had duties to take care of and a League to help lead, plus finding his mom. Too many things at once he needed to do, and staying was not necessarily one of them. He was a busy boy to say the least.

Eri watched the two, eyes widened and shining with newfound curiosity before trying to eat the falling snowflakes.


Izuku sat on the common room's couch with his head on Todoroki's shoulder.

"We're glad you're finally here. Safe!" Ochaco wiped the tears in her face with a smile as the others agreed. Shoto traced small circles of the freckled boy's scarred hand almost mindlessly.

"What do you plan to do now?" Denki asked sipping on his hot cocoa and burning his tongue, causing Jirou and Mina to snicker.

"Not sure." Izuku replied. "I'm gonna be questioned by Detective Tsukauchi, and Aizawa said he had some personal questions to ask me... I also just want a break and to take Eri out for a bit." He glanced at the white haired girl on the seat across from his who was getting her hair styled by Hagakure.

"If you don't mind... what did those scary villains do to you? Did they torture you? Cut off limbs?!" Mineta asked visibly shaking at the thought.

Izuku remained silent for a second as Yayorozou looked at him worriedly, clutching her fist near her chest. "No limbs were cut off..."

"Izu-nii is strong!" Eri gushed with a small smile showing off her older sibling by choice to the others. "He's my number one hero!"

"Wow! So who's your second favorite hero?" Ojiro asked, quite surprised it wasn't All Might like most- if not all- kids' top hero was.

She thought for a second before answering. "Uncle-Tou is kinda mean, but he's super strong!" Eri began, "Uncle-Jin is very confusing and says no-no words a lot and that's not very heroic... Tomu-Chan is SO strong!!! Stronger than Uncle-Tou but they fight a lot and he's always fighting with others... OH! Himi-Chan!!!" She concluded. "She's so pretty and taught me so much! She's so smart and kind!"

The students turned to the sweatdropping Izuku with clear confusion and in need of context. "I- Uh... it's complicated..." He replied, scratching at the nape of his neck nervously with his free hand. Thankfully, they brushed it off but would later ask for details.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now