A Boy Named Shoto Todoroki

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(This chapter is dedicated to @Spongie_b0b just for that amazing comment you wrote on "All Might's Head" 😂 Sorry for not updating as much, happy holidays you guys!)


(8 months later):

I have been training my ass off ever since the day I vowed to kill All Might. As a quirkless person trying to take down the most powerful hero in all of Japan, it was going to take a lot of raw strength but also intelligence. I figured out a form of his weakness and I needed to exploit it; so I not only trained my body but my brain.

My mom hasn't suspected anything, which is good so she won't worry over me. It wouldn't be good for her to find out, especially since it would hurt her so much.

Middle school had already come to an end not long ago, and UA had its entrance exams over three or so weeks past. News is that All Might is going to supposedly work there as one of the hero course teachers. Using my notes and all those years I've collected on every theory and information about the pro hero, I brought my plan closer and closer to near-perfection; though it could take a few years if I continue to work alone, but it's definitely worth it.

I ran around the neighborhood, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, careful with every step to not fall off and die. It was the usual light workout I did when I got lazy and didn't want to go all out.

Once I was done, I jumped on the roof of my home before climbing down to my opened window and swinging inside. I wish I could say that I aced every time I fell inside, but usually I'd trip or slip on something laying on the floor I must've misplaced priorly.

Once I entered I switched my clothes and threw myself on the bed to rest, or on my desk to study and plan ahead.

It had become a daily routine by now.

As I threw myself on my bed, I remembered that I had to make dinner since my mom was still out with a few of her friends. She had previously told me she'd be eating out, so I was left with making my own dinner tonight.

Groggily getting up, I somehow managed to trip and hit my head against the corner of my dresser. I grunted, biting my lip in pain. I got up from the ground and instantly rubbed my hand on the injured side of my head.

"Fuck!" I hissed. "Agh...! This is gonna leave a bruise..."

Sighing, I walked downstairs with my hand still on my head. I walked over to the freezer and took an ice pack, placing it on my head to help the area not bruise as much.

I started to make myself some dinner and an extra portion for my mom just in case her appetite grew once she arrived home again.

I hummed some song that I must've heard on the radio as I stirred the noodles in the pot.

A few minutes later, I managed to finish the meal, putting half in an empty container and then into the fridge. It didn't take as long since I was only cooking for two.

I grabbed a random piece of paper that was left nearby and wrote a note for my mom just in case she came back home early.

"Hey mom! I'll be back in a bit. I went out to get some fresh air.
I made some cold soba, it's in the fridge so no bugs would somehow get to it ;>

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