All Might's head

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(Present Day):

I was sitting in my desk during class taking notes like usual. Class was going to end soon so I decided that after school, I would go to the mall to buy my mom a gift. There was no occasion whatsoever but I thought it might be a nice gesture since she always works so hard for me and I never really get her anything special unless it's for a special occasion. I was thinking of maybe getting her something like a nice dress or a purse since she doesn't have many of those.

I was brainstorming things on a blank notebook paper until the teacher walked over to me as I was spacing-out, and snatched my notebook from my grasp, reading it over.

"Shopping list? Izuku, you're in class." He said annoyedly, causing the class to snicker.

"Are you shopping for your boyfriend, Deku?" I heard someone call out bringing the rest of the class into a laughing fit in which the professor also joined, not trying to hide the fact he was laughing at all.

"THATS NOT IT!" I flapped my hands around in utter embarrassment, attempting to somehow de-escalate the situation even though I knew it wouldn't.

This had happened a lot in my life anyways, so I was almost used to it in a sense, but it was still very humiliating to go through.

'This day can't get any worse...' I thought to myself, sighing.

I jinxed it.

After class, Kaachan, my once childhood best friend, walked over to my desk once the students had left the classroom and unnecessarily blasted my notebook, leaving burn marks all over it. His friends and him then proceeded to threaten and beat the shit out of me since there were no adults nearby.

Not that if there even were adults on the scene they would care.

They would have just let me to get what I deserve for being a waste of space.

After a while, they left, but not before spitting on my crippled form and running away laughing. I felt nothing as I laid on the ground, just as if my nerves just stopped working and left me with no pain whatsoever. I felt complete and utterly numb.

I was so used to the routine that my pain tolerance was abnormally high.

I got up weakly, slinging the strap of my bag over the opposite shoulder I usually have it lay on since it was burnt pretty badly by the blond, and limped outside to get my notebook from the pond.

Fishes were nibbling at the soaked paper as I just stared blankly at the notebook, deciding if I should get it or just leave it behind.

At some point I picked it up and tried to dry it off as best as I could, wishing I for a wind quirk or water quirk to dry it off quicker.

As I walked home, I saw another villain attack and decided to ignore it. Usually you would see me in the front row seat of a villain attack taking notes and fanboy-ing over the heroes and how they're winning, but not today.

I wanted them to lose.

I wanted them to suffer while the villain thrived for once.

It felt weird to cheer for the party I once hated a lot. The party I wished I could one day defeat myself, just like all those heroes.

I smiled sadly and continued to walk past the scene, hearing the heroes struggle and talk about how they needed All Might's aid. I started to feel a laugh want to creep in.

'All Might?!? You want HIS damn help? I'd rather be off dead!' I thought to myself angrily, frowning slightly. 'Villains should kill him!Yeah... He should be better off dead! KILL ALL MIGHT DAM IT! KILL. KILL. KILL! KILL! KILL HIM!'

It was weird but good to think that all of a sudden. I thought that All Might deserved it after what he did to me.

I desired for him to go through a slow and painful death, so he could then feel what I felt all those years inside: numbness, sadness, and anger. ALL built up inside of me with no way to be brought to justice.

I want All Might's head on a platter.

For this, I had train my ass off.

I soon arrived home and changed into my old gym uniform that still fit me since I'm rather short in height; then rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and filled it up with water.

Screw the gift, I'll just buy it tomorrow. Mom can wait a little can't she? After all, it's not like the gift is to celebrate anything.

I grabbed a backpack and placed all my stuff inside and went out for a very tiring six hour workout.


I limped back home to a very preoccupied mom sitting on the couch, fiddling with her hands like never before as she looked out the window.

As soon as I opened the door I felt my heart drop by the way her face changed to an indescribable emotion only mothers could feel. She ran and hugged me tightly in her arms as she cried. "IZUKU! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! Where have you been all day?!"

I felt guilty for not telling her in advance, but I'm not sure how I could ever explain to her that I want to kill All Might even though I am quirkless. The man I once idolized almost made me end my life and now I want to end his and many hero's lives.

I'm sure she would be petrified at the news.

"I-It's okay mom! I've been out for a run that's all!" I smiled.

"A run?! ITS BEEN OVER SIX HOURS IZU! You had me worried sick! Wha-What if a villain caught you?! Wh-What i-if you had died?! What if he..." She trailed off, kissing the top of my messy green hair. "Don't you dare do this to me again." She scolded.

"I know, I know... and I'm truly sorry... I just-" I sighed. "You're right... I just want to prove everyone that I'm strong..."

She pulled away, scanning my face. "You are strong." She led me to the couch and sat down, patting the space next to her.

I obliged and sat next to to her. Mom then grabbed both my hands and clutched them gently between her own.

"I understand what you mean, but you have to remember you are strong..." She then tapped her index finger on my forehead. "In here."

She gave me her usual warm smile. "You're the smartest person I've ever known Izu. That's the only strength that should get you through life. I also understand that boys sometimes have urges to work out and whatever, though I'm not male so I can't say for sure, so please tell me next time you're going out, okay? You don't want me to die of a heart attack now would you?"

I nodded and kissed her cheek. "I really wouldn't." I hugged her tightly.

We stayed like that for a bit until I told her I would cook dinner. She smiled and went to rest , meaning she would watch her favorite drama playing on the TV. The one she was currently watching was a Spanish one called "Betty La Fea", it was dubbed in Japanese so she was watching it like that.

Sighing, I groggily walked to the kitchen from the exhaustion and went to work on the food.

Tomorrow, I would train even harder, and one day, All Might would be all mine, and no one can stop me.


HELLO HOES IT IS I! Sorry for never updating anymore, I'll try to do so more often!

Anyways hope you enjoyed this crappy and rushed chapter, I will see you guys next week!


Future me: My writing back then is so bad 🤮🤮

NEways! Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!

If you have any questions or just wanna talk, I'm here and you can DM me or whatever :)

-Tired Author-Chan

☁️🌙 [Status: Edited Feb 17, 2021]🌙☁️

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now