No Time For Grief

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(TW!! Lot's of blood, death, and mentions of weapons!)

All for One called out with a hand over Inko's shoulder that wouldn't appear threatening to anyone, but it held an unexplainable aura of danger and threat to it in Izuku's eyes as well as the members of the League since they knew the villain's personality and his intentions.

Midoryia Inko stood quietly next to the suited male, holding a sour and saddened expression on her face as she looked around her son. Her eyes landed skeptically on each of the members claimed to be friends by her son.

"Son?" Uraraka questioned, looking at the disfigured man and caring mother before her.

Izuku quickly spun around, facing the League members desperately. "We gotta get outta here." He spoke under his breath.

The others seemed to understand the peril they were in, but were too scared to make even the slightest of moves. They were currently surrounded by All Might and his pathetic crowd of heroes and police, while All for One was immediately assumed to be holding Inko hostage. It was pointless to make any moves yet.

"Shit! We're surrounded...!!" Spinner panicked, looking around. He pulled-out the huge sword he usually carried around and held it in a defensive manner, ready for anything that may come his way.

"We gotta make a quick and simple escape!" Compress suggested, not letting his back face the enemies for longer than a second or two.

"Easier said than done." Himiko rolled her golden-colored eyes as she took out one of her few remaining knives in case she needed a sudden form of defense.

"I may have a plan, but it's gonna be risky..." Tomura suggested, whilst that may have sounded like the best and only option, Izuku quickly shot the idea down upon realizing what the man meant.

"No way! You're still too unstable, Tomura. You just got your quirk; quirks? Whatever. My point is, no."

"We're running out of time guys!!" Spinner addressed the group, using his gigantic blade to deflect a long-ranged attack from a member in the group of 'heroes'.

Izuku shut his eyes tightly, frustratedly running many scenarios through his mind as fast as he could. Most scenarios turned out terribly, but a few turned out decent. "I got it!" He exclaimed, looking at All for One with a stern look.

The villains and Ochaco looked at the freckled teen with a questioning look.

"Sorry Uraraka." Izuku spoke; snatching the blade from Toga's hand and placing it against the brunette's neck, close enough for the sharpened object to leave a small gash.

Toga growled with a disapproving expression, but slowly comprehending the unspoken plan.

Todoroki was also against seeing the bubbly girl get harmed, so upon instinct, he ran towards the greenette looking for an explanation for this rash and manic behavior.

"Play along, Todoroki-kun." Uraraka muttered loud enough for the bicolored male to hear, while she feigned to struggle against Izuku. Toga ran up to Todoroki, apprehending him in a makeshift hostage situation to even-out the battlefield.

"HALT ALL ATTACKS!! THEY HAVE HOSTAGES!!" All Might ordered once he noticed the two captured 1A students. "PROCEED WITH CAUTION!"

"Perfect; now everyone make a run for it." Izuku sternly instructed, turning to face the other confused villains before facing Shoto's general direction once more. "Sho, you have to struggle with your quirk, using random ice and fire blasts that block out the heroes and my dad."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now