Lovers Entwined

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(Long chapter & last time shit really hits the fan! But don't worry, it's a happy ending :)  )

[~ Finale ~]

Shoto stared at Izuku's disappearing form while he ran into the woods they just barely managed to escape from alive. Shigaraki tried to stop him, but the pain in his stomach from the gunshot wound detained him from doing so.

Like a flash, the greenette was gone.

Toga attended to the broken-down Twice, who was kneeling beside's Mr. Compress's corpse. Dabi and Shoto attended to Shigaraki personally; doing the same procedure the younger Todoroki performed on Eri earlier. It was slow and painful, but Tomura managed to pull through with less blood loss than the child.

After using what was left of Shoto's shirt as a bandage, they did their best to nurse Shigaraki in the short amount of time they had.

"If we hurry up, we should be able to get to the hospital and get you properly treated." The flame-based villain stated plainly.

"" Tomura barely managed to speak, making his voice come out in a hushed manner.

Touya slapped the back of the cyan-haired male in annoyance. "We're taking you to the hospital wether you want to, or not."

The leader winced at the harsh and uncalled for contact, letting the two carry him carefully in a makeshift chair or throne position. Dabi, was quite annoyed being near his younger brother, but for the sake of Tomura he'd stick by.

"We need to go..." Shoto announced, looking away from the body of the magician with shame. "We'll be in danger if we stay any longer."

"I CANT LEAVE!! I WONT!!" Twice hissed, hugging the dead body tightly, though it was quickly turning cold.

"What about Izuku...?" Toga questioned with a saddened expression. "Shouldn't we wait?"

"Half-and-half kid's got a point." Shigaraki then gathered up a bit of strength he had restored, speaking-up with his eyes tightly shut. "Any of us could be next. We need to make a move-on. Now."

Everyone looked at eachother, seemingly talking to eachother telepathically to come to an agreement, only to nod with a saddened look.

Spinner walked over to Eri, biting his lip angrily as he stared at the unconscious girl before gently picking her up in a bridal-position.

Looking at the magician he suddenly thought of an idea. "I...I have an idea—" Shoto spoke up awkwardly, unsure if he should share. All eyes turned to him, awaiting his comment. "I was thinking... what if we take Compress with us?"

"He's literally dead weight." Spinner commented, earning well-deserved glares even if he didn't mean it in an offensive manner.

"I can make a container out of my ice, and Shigaraki could cremate his body. His quirk is decay, is it not?"

The villains' eyes widened in surprise, actually liking the idea. Looking at their friend, hoping to bury him or leave his ashes somewhere the man may have liked; maybe even leave his ashes next to Big Sis Magne's.

Agreeing, they watched Shigaraki remove one of his gloves carefully while Shoto made a container out of his ice. It wasn't shaped as nicely as it had few bumps and areas poking out throughout the small cylindrical object. Tomura was carefully placed on the grass next to Compress, ready to turn the man into dust. Twice slowly removed what was left of the male's mask, stuffing them into his pocket as a memento.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now