Vulnerable Boy

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(A/N!: If you didn't read the bold last chapter, just know that Izuku's hero outfit remains the same as in the show's. The villain outfit I had to make (think-up) which is in the bold section btw)

I looked at him dead in the eyes. "That's not personal at all." I took my spoon and started to eat the last bit of my rice. "Why make such a big deal out of it Shinsou?" I let out a small laugh.
"W-Well... people always make a big deal out of it and I just grew kind of curious you know?" He shrugged.
"I see..." I placed my fingers on my chin like people do when they're thinking or are deep in thought. "I'll show it to you then!"
His cheeks went a bit pink, but I assumed that it was because I was showing him my bare back out of nowhere.
I showed him my mark and his face lit up. "Wow! She will probably be at a gardening shop or flower shop when you meet her!" He said with a tinge of sadness in his voice. Maybe disappointment.
I wonder why...
I shrugged off the thought and asked him if he had his. He nodded and showed me his mark on the left arm, somewhere under the fold of his arm. It was a red book that was flipped open halfway; pages fluttering. It was a suited thing for him.
"A-Actually the reason I stated reading was because of it. I was never the type of guy to go around reading much. The night before I met you here was the day I decided to try to read more often. That night I went to a bookshelf my mom and dad have and took the first book I saw. It was "Lord Of The Flies" by William Golding... I read it for most of the night and for the most part of the next morning until lunch, when I ended up finishing the book and I met you." He said as he scratched the back of his neck in a bit of a nervous/anxious manner. "I was really hoping to meet them quicker through reading. Dumb, huh?"
I was astounded by his reasoning.
"Wow..." I started. "That's true dedication Shinsou... I admire you for that!" I smiled widely at his desire. "I HOPE YOU MEET THEM ONE DAY! I'm sure they'll swoon for not only your looks but intelligence and determination!" I stuck-out my thumb as approval (a thumbs up).
He seemed to have perked up at my small comment. "R-Really?! You think so?" He blushed. "Thank you... Midoriya..."
A short, bob-haired brunette came jogging towards our direction. I recognized her; it was Uraraka.
"IZUKU!" She chanted as she finally got closer.
"U-Uraraka? What bings you here? Need anything?" I offered.
"Actually, yes! I'm here for your help on the suit like I asked you earlier during class!" She smiled and held up a peace sign with her two fingers.
"Alright then! Wanna work here or somewhere else?" I asked, looking at my friend, Shinsou with an apologetic look on my face.
He nodded and gave me a bit of a smile.
"Here is alright! I-I mean-... if your friend here doesn't mind..." she stuttered.
"It's cool. Maybe I could even help out a bit!" He replied.
"A-Ah! That's great!" She smiled widely.
I took out my notebook and showed them my already finished design. They praised it and even pointed out some things I could add, which I did.
I gave some ideas for materials she could use for her suit's fabric and other things that she could do with her quirk to make it more durable and efficient for the work she might do with it.
And since I designed most of it thanks to my ideas, if ever, I would easily defeat her. No matter if we were friends or not.
"Wanna join me and turn-in the assignment early with me Izu~?" She grinned.
"Sure." I shrugged and got up.
I took Shinsou's tray of empty food with his permission and threw it away as well as mine.
"Bye Shinsou!" I waved as Uraraka violently dragged me away without barely a word to say in my defense.
Shinsou was left alone, sitting on the stairs smiling and waving at me. What I didn't know was that soon after I was out of sight, he cried.
I found out not long after, about him crying through some ticked-off and curious classmates of his.
I didn't know why he felt sad.
I just wished he would have told me.


Uraraka and I reached the classroom and placed our designs on top of Aizawa-Sensei's desk, surprised he was not behind it sleeping. Uraraka seemed to have thought the same thing 'cause she pointed it out as well. We both laughed a bit when all of a sudden we were startled by a monochrome voice from behind.
"What's so funny?"
We both jumped at the voice mistaking it for Aizawa's, yet it had a younger tone.
We turned around, just to see Todoroki sitting in his desk while reading with his earbuds on. He had one on to be exact; the other, he held in his fingers as he looked at us interested in our conversation-ish.
"H-Hi T-Todoroki!" I squeaked, cause... ya know. I was startled.
And because of puberty.
I scratched the back of my neck.
Uraraka waved at him vigorously as she held an ear-to-ear grin, which you could tell was because she was nervous.
"You both look like bad criminals who just accidentally slipped-up in front of a police officer." He said as he took out the other earbud from his ear.
I stared at him in disbelief.
"Way to kill both me and him. You scared the living daylights out of us!" Said the brunette, placing both of her hands on her hips.
"Pardon me for that then." He said with a small bow of his head.
We both shrugged and forgave him.
"Actually... I have a question for you Todoroki-Kun-" said Uraraka. This grabbed Todoroki's attention.
"And what's that?" He asked.
I was quite curious too, even though it was none of my business. I know it's sort of rude, in my world at least, but I was already there so whatever.
Uraraka fiddled with her fingers while alternating between looking at the ground, the wall, me (although barely), and Todoroki as she spoke.
"You never talk in class unless it's necessary from these past couple of days. You seem to always stay out of everyone's way so you don't interact. Yet when Midoriya-"
"Izuku." I corrected her.
"-Izuku... came to UA, you seemed to be more open with the rest. By at least ten percent of course." She finished.
This had caught my attention.
Was it true?
I made Todoroki open up more with my presence?
I'm just overreacting.
As well as being selfish. I could never do that.
I don't have talent.
I looked from Uraraka to Todoroki-Kun, who was clutching his hands in fists, holding his sleeves. He looked away and appeared to be blushing. He must've been a bit embarrassed. Although, I must admit, he looked cute like that.
Vulnerable, I mean.
Not only that but him in general acting like that made him adorable.
I felt my face flush a bit with heat.
"I-" Before I could get a full word in, the bell rung and I had to go back to my seat as Aizawa almost immediately entered the classroom as well as the rest of the class.


Class ended.
The school-day ended as well.
And it was time for me to head home.
I was exhausted and just wanted some sleep, until I remembered something more important to do.
Make that two.
I walked home and thought up a few ideas for my secondary costume. It was going to be the same colors, yet more black and more of a neon-ish teal with some red.
I arrived home fairly quickly since I sort-of jogged most of the way.
My mom wasn't home and would arrive later in the day, as she had warned me before I left for school this morning.
I grabbed an apple and ran to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.
I took a big bite of the apple and took out my led pencil, an eraser, and colored pencils.
Started out with the sketch which took a few minutes.
Then came the design.
I wanted a simple suit since my quirk doesn't need anything that I knew of except for flexible fabric, not rubber, and an utility belt to hold my stuff.
I started out the suit and then watched some YouTube on my cellphone. After a few vine compilations, I went back to work again until it was done.
I held up my masterpiece and rolled it up.
I put on my shoes and headed out to the villain hideout to tell them about my newer plan.
They were going to like it better than the one we had before.

UA Highschool was never going to see us coming.


Hey readers!
Here's the suit design I did at 12am since I really wanted to update! :D (Ignore the watermark. I just used some random pic of a spandex suit and edited it on PicsArt)

I am glad many of you have been reading this book and are liking it! I am hoping to actually do better though

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I am glad many of you have been reading this book and are liking it! I am hoping to actually do better though. So please give me honest suggestions about it so I can fix it!
Also! My birthday's coming soon! It's July 21st! I'm sort of excited for it but not really.
I also am now holding a contest for this story as I said before.

Here's the details:
•You have to just draw! :)
•This is a contest to have great art as this story's book-cover-image-thingy!
•All YOU have to do is draw Deku or Deku and Todoroki, or even just edit a picture and send me the link to it, or even @ me in a story so I can see it! :)
•The best one gets a chapter or a character of theirs in the story.
~ Chapter: you pick what happens (it doesn't necessarily have to do with the storyline)
~Character: your character(s?) get to be in a chapter or in the story (you pick ;) ) as a friend or colleague of Izuku. I will (of course) credit you!
•The deadline is August 3rd, 2019

Aaaaaand I think that's about it! Any questions DM me or comment.
ALSO! Read heroacademiafan 's villain Deku story! They deserve their story to be read more than mine. Mine's shit compared to theirs! :D
Have an amazing day you guys/girls/and non-binary pals!
-Miles <3

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now