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The heroes sat around their round table discussing work during their meeting. The air was usually tense once in the room because the times they ended up in there discussing anything doing with their jobs as heroes or regarding the top hero school UA, was serious business in those meetings with grim-like topics sprinkled all over.

Aizawa had his head over his hand as he flipped through the pages of his report lazily with the other. He yawned as he listened to Midnight's report on a situation she had to deal with a few days ago regarding a bank robbery and a hostage situation.

"On that note. That's all that happened. Anyone else want to go next?" The dark-haired female said as she finished her presentation and sat back down on her seat.

Sighing, Aizawa got up. He quickly and briefly explained his patrols at night before ending the talk and moving on to the more important subject. He'd waited through the meeting to speak last since he had very important information he needed to share with the team.

"Now that that's over with, I have news on Midoryia Izuku." Everyone's eyes widened since most weren't even aware of his reappearance. The heroes sat quietly at the edge of their seats awaiting the longed news.

"He's here. He's staying in UA's dorm room unit with my class. He's rooming with his friend Todoroki Shoto and a kid called Eri." He explained. "Me and Detective Tsukauchi interrogated him not too long ago. This is all he answered but Tsukauchi confirmed he's hiding more than he let on."

"Well...? What did young Midoryia say?" The scrawny blond man spoke up.

"It's all in this file All Might. Just calm down and I might just read it." The ravenette glared, swinging the case file around a bit frustrated. He explained how the teen was kidnapped by the league at the time of the blackout and the rest of the information summarized and in great detail to the team.

Midnight covered her mouth with her hand as a gasp escaped her lips. "So they went through all of that...?"

"Yeah. That's what he said at least." Aizawa flipped the pages casually. "Eri has warmed up to the class though, so maybe I can get one of them to question her since children tend to be more honest."

"That's genius Eraser!" Mic shouted, jumping up and slamming his hands on the wooden table before clearing his throat awkwardly and sitting back down.

"Kids are very trusting... I wouldn't be surprised is she'd spill it all if anyone asked her even now." Midnight wondered out loud, placing her thumb and index finger over her chin.

"I say we move in with that plan. We need to use Midoryia Izuku to gain insight on the League to finally bring them down once and for all." The principal said, leaning his small animalistic face on his small paws. "I'm sorry but we need to find out all they did to him. We need to get all that information on what he knows at any cost. He's one of the smartest young people I know and I know tat whatever he's hiding can be useful."

"What if we use his mom against him?" Endeavor suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"His mom is missing. We can use that to our advantage. We can promise her safe return sooner if he gives us the information." The flame hero continued.

"We're heroes. Its our job to return her sooner." Aizawa grit his teeth angrily.

"He's right Endeavor!" Midnight argued slightly angered at his suggestion.

"It's not cool!" Mic interjected with a frown.

"It was just a suggestion!" He huffed, rolling his eyes. "What else do you guys even bring to the table, huh? Nothing. It was just a suggestion..."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now