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(I don't think I clarified this, but All Might didn't retire as there was no fight after the Training Arc in this fic lol)

Izuku tapped his shoe against the concrete floor beneath him. The shed was stuffy and cold for the most part, but what the greenette didn't like the most was the eery stillness and silence of it all. He looked down at his wrist-watch with an anxious look as he waited for a certain cyan-haired male.

Shigaraki was supposed to be there almost ten minutes ago last time he checked, and now he was almost at twenty minutes. It was worrying Midoryia greatly, but he had to put some trust on Tomura to leave unscathed.

"Where is he...?" Izuku's foot began to tap faster, creating an obnoxious sound that echoed around the small and hidden space which drove Midoryia insane, so he stopped his foot and slid down onto the cold ground with a sigh, running his hand over his tired face and then his green curls.

He looked around trying to find some form of entertainment. The walls held a few shelves that carried supplies for gardening or cleaning as well as extra supplies in case of emergencies; the floor was dirty and held a large stain of dried blood from a memory which Izuku would not like to recall. There was also some light seeping from the crack of the closed door and some holes on the walls.

"He better get here soon."


"What the-?!?" Toga exclaimed as the ground below her shook violently enough to drop her and Compress to the ground with a thud. The furniture around them shook and fell, breaking a few items along the way.

As soon as the shaking ceased, she got up and ran outside with the male following close behind her.  They stopped in the hallway next to the large window that faced towards the city. They looked below their apartment and noticed the ground full of heroes fighting other people and the concrete cracked and poking out dangerously.

"How—" Compress started before being cut off by a voice behind the two.

"Atsuhiro Sakho, Himiko Toga... You're both under arrest, so you're coming with me." The hero activated his quirk, extending some form of makeshift-claws towards them and wrapping them up tightly.

"GET OFF!!" The blonde struggled, gritting her teeth as the arms wouldn't even budge. It was like a snake wrapping around its prey ready to crunch their bones to then eat.

"You people might have your reasons, but once you start taking it out on society... we heroes can't allow you to have your way!" The hero grinned. "THIS TIME IT'S OVER, LEAGUE OF VILLAINS! TELL ME WHERE ERI, TODOROKI, AND POLARIS ARE HIDING!!"

Toga's eyes widened in fear and so did Compress, though his weren't at all visible.


"Ice cream? How much do you eat of this per day?" Spinner nagged as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants, looking at the sweet delicacy held in Eri's small hands as they walked down the sidewalk. She licked her lips with a wide smile. "Stain wouldn't approve of this, would he?"

"He might! Maybe it's his favorite food ya'know?" Eri argued, taking a spoonful of her favorite flavor and placing it in her mouth with an ecstatic expression, humming in satisfaction.

The reptilian male stopped in his tracks, taking her words into consideration. "You might be right..."

Eri pulled his sleeve, offering him a spoonful. "Wanna share?" He looked down into her big and gentle eyes that sparkled as she smiled.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now