Safe House

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Me and Todoroki were at the police station waiting for answers. Where's my mom? Who's the stalker? What do they want? Is my mom safe? What's going to happen to me?
Millions of questions flooded my mind before I shook my head violently to stop them, though  it didn't really work.

Someone turned on the TV hanging on the wall. The reporter had been talking about some pro hero stopping a robbery in a small rural spot nearby, before switching over to another reporter standing in front of my house. My mind practically shut down at that point.

I know these people do this kind of reporting to the public for a living, but this wasn't okay this time. They can't just earn money from a story this horrifying.

I turned my head around to look at the bicolor-haired boy sitting next to me. His face as stoic as ever, but a hint of anger and uneasiness. He seemed to have been thinking the same things as me.

I glanced back at the TV screen to see what they had to say.

"-It's something straight out of a horror movie! Whoever did this is some horrid villain with a crush on the young man that lives here. His mom is also apparently missing too, so if you see this woman anywhere, please call the police." A photo of my mom showed up on the screen. "The police said that inside the box delivered to the boy, were human remains along with laminated photos of the boy doing daily things, like: eating breakfast, dressing, studying, going to school, etcetera. Quite the stalker he got. The box was full of blood on the inside, and the human remain was that of a person's heart. A laminated paper with the words "I love you Izu-Kun." Written on it in black marker."

The image of this scene replayed in my head, leaving me a bit nauseous. The heart didn't bother me, and the blood didn't either. It was the images and the way the person set it up. It was the way it all happened so fast. It was the way of how anxious it left me to know if that heart belonged to someone I knew personally.

Like my mom.

Like a colleague.

Like a friend.

I glanced back at Todoroki, who I had dragged into this whole mess. A punch to my heart, when I realized how traumatic this whole thing must've been for him. A bystander.

"Todoroki-kun...?" I said with a shaky voice.
He looked at me slowly, not saying anything.
It really broke my heart to see him like this.

"I'm sorry..." I yelled on accident, holding back tears to no avail.

His face shifted to one of concern. "M-Midoriya-"

I grabbed his shirt and clutched it with my hands, my knuckles going white. "I SHOULDNT HAVE ASKED YOU TO COME OVER!" I was mad at myself.

He gripped my hands on his shirt, trying to make me let go. I quickly did so, leaving me to feel embarrassed. I dug my nails into my arms causing me to flinch a bit from the pain. I did this sometimes when I felt angry, anxious, or even sad. A bad habit.

He stopped me and gave me a small smile.
I felt like shit.

A police officer came over and offered a safe house for me to stay in near Yuuei Highschool so that I'm safe from my stalker. I thanked the officer for the offer and agreed to go stay there for a while. He also offered Todoroki to stay at the safe house for the time being with me. He didn't answer but said he would have to ask his dad for permission.

I knew about his dad, and I'm sure there was a 40% chance that Endeavor could agree to the proposition.

"You should stay considering that you could've been spotted by this weirdo. They could hurt you." I stated with concern.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now