Boba Tea

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Also, Merry (extremely late) Christmas or whatever you celebrate and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yay 2020!!!)

"Hello Izuku."
"Greetings Shigaraki." I said in a serious tone, just as if I hadn't been scared before he greeted me.
"Ah, so you figured me out, huh?" He didn't move his hand.
"Apparently, yeah." I looked around. "Let go of me before you gain unwanted attention will you?"
He didn't budge.
"We need to talk Mister." He said in a decently mad tone.
"Okay then. Let's go somewhere else. Somewhere private." I stated. "Or actually... how about later, right now I'm getting intel and hanging-out with a friend." I shoved both my hands in the pockets of my pants.
"Fair enough." He loosened his grip. "I'll see you at the hideout at exactly ten at night." He was letting go completely of my hand when I heard a voice.

'Uraraka.' I sighed and acted like my usual self.

"H-Hey Uraraka!" I greeted, a sweat-drop rolling down my right cheek.
"Who-Who's this?" She looked at him ip and down suspiciously. "A... friend?" She asked.
Shigaraki smiled and put his arm around me casually. "Yeah! We're old friends and I saw him, thought I could come say hi."
"A-Ah! That's great!" She clasped both her hands together happily, yet a bit hesitant. "S-Say... Have we met before? I think I've seen you before. Or maybe it's your voice?" She took a closer look.
I was literally gonna get a definite yell from this guy later.
"Doubt it Uraraka, he lives like... three towns over. I'm actually surprised he came here." I lied.
"Just wanted to go somewhere new for the day." He played along.
"Shouldn't you be at school though? All schools have classes today except us because of yesterday."
'Stop being suspicious and go back to shopping, dang it!' I screamed in my head.
"I'm homeschooled and decided to take the day off."
"Okay." She approached him and was gonna shake his hand, before he quickly realized and ran off with a wave. "Bye kids. Enjoy the mall."
She was just left there with her hand mid-air. "B-Bye?" She just dropped it off and tried talking to me.
"Why those questions?" I asked her in a serious tone.
"W-What?" Her face was slightly red from the question maybe catching her off-guard.
"Exactly what I said. That was rude, you don't need to be prying into my small social life. It's none of your business Uraraka. I get you maybe were trying to be friendly, but it sure didn't sound like that."
Her face became droopy and she looked at her feet as she clutched the rim of her pink shirt. "I-I'm sorry... you're right..." she apologized before running off somewhere.
I felt bad, but she's very... what's the word? Nosy. Which isn't good for my secret life.
I thought about running after her but hesitated, thinking that she may need time alone, which is fine.
Todoroki walked towards me and apologized for making me wait.
"It's okay Todoroki-Kun!" I said with a smile.
"I got lost and couldn't remember my way here. I've only been in malls very few times." He admitted.
"Oh! Same here! I come to this mall sometimes with my mom since she likes to shop an acceptable lot." I smiled, now forgetting Uraraka.
He makes it seem like the world around me doesn't matter. No one exists but him and me. Not my teachers, not the league, not the heroes, not anyone.
He gave me a quick smile back and I grabbed his hand without thinking and led him to an ice-cream store me and my mom go to the times we come here. It's cheap, but very good. They also sell some very yummy boba tea.
I caught him looking at a blue poster hanging on the entrance near a menu of other things they sell that was advertising their dragon-breath ice-cream.
"Wanna try some?" I asked him.
He kept looking at it with his usual stoic face expression.
The line was rather small since it was so early in the morning on a school-day, but it's usually packed with other people.
"So...?" I asked again, still waiting for his response.
"I-" he started, not removinghis eyes from the poster. "I want chocolate boba tea."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now