Too Many Close Calls

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Izuku, quite startled by the sudden atmosphere, just backed up slightly. All the heroes were on high alert, sizing him up from time-to-time. Eraser seemed suspicious of Izuku's actions since he had gotten back to UA, which only put him on slightly higher alert than before. The four Wild Wild Pussycat members weren't in much high alert, but if push came to shove, they would have a high ground here. He especially had to be cautious of Mandalay's quirk, one wrong thought and it was over near her.

"I told you! I told you!" The raven haired kid sang, taunting his caretakers. "I told you he was real!~"

"I'm rather confused...?" Izuku stated apologetically, looking up at the adults awkwardly. "What happened, exactly?"

Pixie-Bob picked up Kota's sketchbook and put it up, looking back and forth between the freckled teen and the poor crayon sketch of what was presumed to be Kota's imaginary friend. "I can sort of see a similarity..." She mumbled.

Eri walked over, hugging her big brother's leg tightly, feeling slightly worried for him.

"Anything to say, Midoriya Izuku?" Aizawa quirked a brow, feeling more suspicious of the teen since he got back.

"No...? I have no idea what's even going on." He sighed. Todoroki placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder in a way he felt would be of some comfort to the other, which received a smile back from the greenette.

Izuku controlled his thoughts to seem confused to the hero who had her quirk activated. It would've been impossible for anyone to notice if it was activated or not, but Izuku is always too quick to think and act.

"He's telling the truth as far as I can tell." The brunette said apologetically. She walked up to Izuku and bowed before attempting to pry Kota away though he thrashed and kept denying what Mandalay kept saying.

"No! No! He's real! I swear it!" He cried. "Please believe me!"

Eri frowned, hesitantly walking over to him and pulling on the back of his dark shirt. "Izu-nii is a hero... you're right... he saved my life too!" She smiled shyly, pointing at herself.

Kota gave her a weak smile, thanking her for her attempt to cheer him up.

They walked away to talk leaving the rest of them in the room with an awkwardly atmosphere.

"I'll um..." The greenette pointed to the stairs nervously with his thumb. "I-I'll just go to my room...?"

Aizawa nodded before the other departed, leaving his boyfriend standing awkwardly with the rest of the heroes.

Izuku walked down the hall, nearing his room before bumping into a muscular figure. "A-Ah! I'm so sorry!" He apologized, bowing his body, not daring to look the other in the eye.

The other grunted in annoyance and pushed past before stopping a few feet away. "Stupid nerd." The male grit his teeth.

"Bakugo?" Izuku looked up at the other, realized who he'd bumped into, with a confused expression before shrugging it off.

The name caused the other to spin and stare at the shorter male. "What?"

"Nothing." Midoryia sighed, a ping of anger coursing through his body. "Nothing at all." He glared before walking away.

Bakugo came over angrily and stopped Midoryia in his tracks by grabbing onto his shoulder and spinning him around forcefully, clutching the neck of the boy's shirt in his fist.

"What do you want Bakugo?" Midoryia asked slightly vexed at the gesture.

"What the hell is wrong with you??!" The ash-blond squinted his eyes, trying to analyze the freckled teen being pulled up by the collar of his shirt.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now