-Lullaby For A Newfound Crush-

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— Todoroki's POV: —

"Do you remember the USJ attack?"

Midoryia looked at me curiously as I spoke and gave me a nod of approval.

I looked down at my hands which suddenly seemed more interesting than what I was saying. "And do you remember that chat we had in your bedroom that same day?" I asked, looking back up at the green-ette. He stopped to think and slowly nodded once more but this time it was hesitant. "I told you about that villain that stared at me and hurt my wrist... the way he looked at me as if he knew who really was..." I gripped my wrist that was once injured by the villain that day.

Midoryia seemed confused as to what I was saying. "W-What about him?" He stuttered.

"I..." I trailed off feeling embarrassed.

'This was a dumb idea to tell him. He'll just think I'm weird or a freak. Maybe he'll never wanna talk to me again; I mean, he is aiming to be a hero too. Heroes and villains don't mix.' I internally considered what I should do and/or say next.

"Todoroki-kun...?" A hand was placed on my shoulder comfortingly. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

A strong feeling inside of me made me want to just outright tell him everything. Another, a less stronger feeling, told me not to. It was debatable, really.

With a big breath of air, I blurted out my thoughts on the villain. "I felt this connection... I have no idea how to explain it, but it was there. We stared at eachother for a while before he broke it off and ran back to the villain side."

Midoryia placed his head in both of his hands, you could kind of see a red tint forming in his face. "So that was that weird feeling..." He mumbled softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, which seemed to have caught the freckled boy off-guard.

"N-Nothing!!!" He jolted back a bit in his seat. "I just..." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck like he usually does. "I felt that same connection too... once..."

"Oh, really?" I said curiously, a weird feeling in my stomach going off out of nowhere. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. It was almost unrecognizable. I brushed it off as some weird hormonal crap.

"Y-Yeah..!" He admitted. "L-Let's talk about you though! That's more interesting!" A small blush crept up my face.

I nodded and looked at the smaller boy in front of me, almost in disbelief but used my normal stoic look to not show any emotions I could express.

'I'm more interesting...?' I questioned.


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts and found myself staring at Midoryia.

"You seem out of it right now. Let's get to bed. I'm sure we'll need some rest after today's events, no?" He suggested kindly, though his tone betrayed his true feelings as it was laced with sadness. I agreed since I was actually feeling a but exhausted and it was very late.

We got up from our previous seats and put away everything to leave the place clean. After we finished, we were heading to our shared bedroom before an idea popped up.

"Do you want to skip school tomorrow?" I asked in my usual tone. The question caught him off guard as he almost tripped himself with his own two feet.

"H-Hah?!" He looked at me with confusion. "Y-You're serious?" I gave him a small nod in reply.

"Mina and Kaminari do it all the time along with many other students in the class. What's wrong with taking a day off?" I asked, confused. He seemed to ponder upon my statement and cautiously agreed, earning a small smile to to form on my face.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now