Journal No.14

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I ended up getting a few bandages and a first-aid kit from a nearby pharmacy to heal the guy's wounds. I stayed with him for a while, chatting as I patched him up.

"I have a question..." I spoke, pausing as I tightened the last of the bandages around his wrist. "What where you doing that got you in such a big mess?"

His face went directly from a relaxed demeanor to a nervous and gloomy expression.

'Scary.' I thought, glancing at his face as I packed the rest of the supplies into the first-aid kit it came in.

"I-" He looked away with a slight blush. "I needed drugs...." He shrugged.

"Really-?!" I almost fell back in shock. "Such a commotion just for you to get some crack? It's not like many people do it already anyways." I rolled my eyes. "You shouldn't even take that shit since it really is bad for you." I hit the back of his head in a scolding manner.

He rubbed his head in the spot where I hit him. "I-It's not like that...! My brother.... he's very sick and I needed these special drugs a guy had and offered for a lesser price. I don't have much money, especially for things as expensive as medicine so this was the best thing that had happened to us in the longest time!" He smiled before his face contorted into a frown.

"I agreed to the proposal and met up with him in that alley before the hero-guy showed up. He thought we were thugs or something and decided to beat us the hell up. Sadly, the guy ran away leaving me behind. He took the drugs and money. Scam much?" He humored the situation, giving me a weak smile.

"I'll help you find him and get the drugs back." I offered.

"You're too kind, but no thank you. You've already done enough." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely. You're a lifesaver, but I can handle the rest on my own." He spoke, wind swaying his long hair to the side.

"Okay then." I shrugged.

He hummed. "What can I call you anyways? I never caught my great hero's name." He beamed at me with genuine interest.

I could feel my eyes light up along with his from excitement and I immediately agreed.

He picked three out of my appearance; them being: Bunny, Bad Hero, and Maigo (which stands for "Lost Boy")

I didn't really like the names, especially the first two, but the last one sounded cool. It actually reminded me of a fruit.


"Maigo is decent." I replied honestly. "What about you? What do I call you?"

"Just call me Suho. It's my name anyways." He sent me a toothy grin, cheeks tinted with a light pink.

"Well then..." I extended my hand out to him. "Nice to meet you Suho. I'm Maigo."

He took my hand in his and shook it. "Glad to have met you Maigo. You really saved my ass back there." He chuckled.

He thanked me once more before we eventually parted ways. I offered my aid once more but he quickly declined once more.

"Maybe our paths will cross again soon?"

"Maybe." I smirked under the mask before giving him one last nod and jumping away.

I learned that Suho was only older than me by three months and his quirk is "Elasticity"; which causes him to stretch his body however he wants and twist it as if he were a rubber band, though he can't stretch over 200 feet or stretch his body for more than ten minutes or his body will stay that way for five or so minutes more.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now