A New Beginning

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(Before we start, this is very important. The Inko scene below was WAY before gay rights were much of a thing, so don't tell me bc I've been getting a lot of comments on it. I know what I'm doing.


soul mate
/ˈsōl ˌmāt/
noun: soulmate
- a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.


"Mommy? What's a soulmate?" I asked my mother at a young age.

I remember asking her this maybe a few months before I was told I was quirkless.
I have this definition tattooed into my brain as do most people in our society considering most, if not all, people have a soulmate mark that appears once they turn a specific age.

Deep down I know that once I turn that specific age of sixteen, I'll never receive one.


Because no one could ever stand to love someone as fucked up as I am.


(7 years ago)

My mom looked down and smiled at me. "Izu, a soulmate is..." She stopped to think about it for a second. "A soulmate is a person who you can't live without. Someone you can't walk away from easily. It is someone you can't imagine being without, a person you believe is worth sticking with and fighting for. A mark at the age of sixteen shows up that represents your soulmate."

Not knowing exactly what defined love and friendship, I was rather oblivious and fascinated at the thought that maybe what I thought of my best friend at that time meant we were soulmates. Kids make that mistake all the time as well so it was only fair.

My eyes widened in fascination at the thought of spending my life with my best friend by my side. The one person I greatly looked up to and admired other than All Might or even my own mother. "Like me and Bakugou!" I cheered.

"Oh no Izuku! Your soulmate can't be a guy! He's just your friend!" She said as a bead of sweat rolled down her face nervously. "But if it was, I'll still love and support you!"

"And why can't he be my soulmate mommy?" I turned my head slightly to the side, looking at her in the eyes in confusion.

"Because honey..." She pursed her lips in a pause before humming and shaking her head from side-to-side. "Forget about that..." The green haired woman smiled and hugged me.

"Oh! Okay!" I beamed happily. I gave her a quick hug back before leaving to go watch the video I adored of All Might saving all those civilians from the strongest villain.

"All Might Saves People From Villain 'All For One' 's Fire" read the title.

I was so happy each time I watched the video, and every time I replayed it, it felt as if it were the first time watching it all over again.

My mom leant against the doorframe with a sigh as she stared at the computer and then shifting her gaze at me almost apologetically.

"I'm sorry..." She quietly said to herself before smiling weakly and walking out of the room.

Days then passed by until the day that would mark my fate forever.

"He doesn't have a quirk. He's what people refer to as quirkless." Said the doctor, looking at my mom.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now