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(Casually bullshits the entire chapter bc I have no creativity)

My eyes widened, feeling myself go pale and almost losing all my balance. "W-What..."

He snickered. "You heard me~" The male then placed his index finger on the tip of my nose 'booping' it.

"Where is she?!" I sneered. He sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes.

"She's in one piece. I'd never hurt her. She actually was out shopping at the store I work at. I approached her and helped her out before introducing myself. One thing led to the other and she actually stayed with me! Not necessarily willingly of course! I told her that if she told me all about her I'd let her go!" He smiled innocently. "I found out that your favorite food is actually Katsudon! Oh! And that your quirk developed very late!"

"I'll repeat myself. Where. Is. She."

"Police station a few blocks from here." He seemed annoyed that I could care less as to what he's saying.

I was about to run but he stopped me with his quirk. He had a weird flexibility quirk that enabled him to stretch his limbs to an abnormal level. Suho clicked his tongue and shook his head disapprovingly. "Where are ya going Izu~?" His arm gripped my torso tightly causing me to struggle to escape his grasp.

"Let me go you creep!" I kicked and flailed around grabbing bystanders' attention.

People started to murmur and back away.

"Is that a villain?"
"What's going on over there?"
"Let's just walk away."
"They're causing a scene! Where's the heroes or security?"
"Isn't that the kid who got first place in the first round?"

I had to do something. "IT'S A VILLAIN EVERYONE GET TO SAFETY!" With those words, everyone panicked and ran to safety, alerting security and heroes about the situation.

"I-I'M NOT A VILLAIN!" He called out to no one. "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?!" I smirked slyly and activated my quirk.

Pros and security were soon to approach and surround us, before trying to figure out a way to act in this situation. So I used this time to confront the son of a bitch as planned.

"I have bad news kid..." I turned to face him with a murderous glare. "You messed with the wrong person." I spun and kicked upwards, hitting his wrist and hearing a small cracking sound, to which he yelled in pain. The dark haired teen let go unintentionally leading to my freedom from his grip.

He retracted his arm back to normal and then looked at me with wide eyes of fear. I slowly walked towards him, almost tauntingly.

"You put me through hell... now it's my turn..." I cracked my hands and grinned like a maniac. "Here's the thing kid, I'm not exactly a... 'hero'." The male took a step back as I took one forward. "You knew that already though..."

"W-What are you doing..."

"You tell anyone my little secret and I won't hesitate to break hell and heaven lose on you." I tilted my head to the side innocently. "You hurt my mom! No one. Does that."

I launched myself at him at full speed landing as many punches and kicks as I could. He fought back in defense but I was okay with that.

After all, everything was still going as planned.

Heroes started to approach at last along with security and managed to put some anti-quirk cuffs on him. "You're under arrest."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now