Memory Rooms

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I groaned, rubbing my eyes from the sudden change in light when I opened my eyes.

Looking around confusedly at the strange surroundings, I got up and walked around. It looked like the city we were in a bit ago but not quite. It was empty just like earlier, but with a less chilling wind. "Hello..?" I called out in the empty area.

I started noticing things around my that seemed extremely out of the ordinary. Other than the city not having people and it's abnormal silence, it was also a completely different season. Everything seemed more white and gray than the usual normal colors you'd see in a city or town; it was completely void of color. There were no cars and very few plants that were a sickly pale of green.

"Hello?!!" I said louder, cupping my hands over my mouth to create a louder sound. My voice bounced off the buildings loudly making me wince back.

"What the hell is going on here...!" I panicked, turning my light walk into a crazed jog around, seeking any sign of life. Not looking at where I was going, I bumped harshly on someone.

Letting out a small 'oof-', I fell back painfully on my butt. I groaned in pain before the person outstretched their hand out to me. "Sorry! I didn't see where I as going." I sighed taking the extended hand in mine, them pulling me up. "What the hell is going on in this place?" I asked looking around me and not at the person in front of me. A bad habit I'd picked up after years of being bullied.

"Nothing much! It's a little place I created to talk to you really quick!" A high-pitched and awkward voice piped up.

My eyes snapped towards the source of the voice in shock. "H-HUH??!" I jumped back.

"Hi Izuku!" He placed his hands on my shoulders with a sinister yet happy smile. "Or should I say... Me?"

In the bright day, I saw a younger version of myself wearing the wretched black middle school uniform. The uniform other me was wearing had a couple of burn marks and holes as well as dirt on it. It was clutching one of my hero-note journals that was burnt only on the cover, seeping through to the first page of the notebook. His red shoes were tattered and dirty as well as extremely worn out.

There was no denying it was some sort of clone of younger me.

"This is a dream... It's gotta be..!" I chuckled, gripping my head in confusion. "There's no other way this could happen!"

"There's a way and I'm only here as a form you would listen to. I could change if you'd like." It stated smiling sheepishly.

"What the hell is this?!" I went to activate my quirk, only for nothing to be there. "Wh-What...?"

It clicked its tongue, shaking his head from side to side. "Just stick with me for a bit to explain, 'kay?" I hesitantly agreed. "Good! Let's take a walk, shall we?" It started to walk towards a glassy building that wasn't too tall.

"What's this place?" I looked around feeling a sense of nostalgia.

"A hospital. You frequented here as a kid due to your quirk." It said, taking a clipboard from the assistant clerk's desk casually.

"I never had a quirk. I was born quirkless." I snapped at it, crossing my arms over my chest defiantly.

It flipped the pages, seeming to read over the pages until he stopped and hummed. "FOUND IT!" He grasped my arm and dragged me up many flights of stairs. "Step in." He gestured towards the door.

"No. There might be someone there!" I said before he opened the door with an annoyed sigh, shoving me inside. Before I could argue, I turned to see a family of two. A mother and a child. The child was an infant, looking around the age of three.

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