Ochako Uraraka

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The school day had ended and I had reported to the league right after, showing them and discussing the notes I had taken and tomorrow's schedule.
He appeared to be smiling through his disturbingly chapped lips. He was truly terrifying in a viewing aspect.
I told him we were apparently going to do training in a base nearby referred to as the "USJ", where students were supposed to use their quirks to see how they could use them in different ambients and situations. It was interesting to say the least.
Sadly, I had no idea when the training would be, just that it was going to be soon.
Shigaraki nodded in understanding and thanked me for the new intel.
We parted not long after.
I took out my phone and texted my mom that I was almost home. She didn't reply immediately but left me on read.
"Fun." I muttered with a sigh.
A girl ran past me to the direction I just came from with a few other girls around her age chasing her as well they were all laughing and playing tag.
I wish I could've done that.
I never really had a childhood since I had no one but myself and my mom to spend it with. No friends. Family didn't, and still doesn't, visit. Katsuki stopped being my friend and became my worst nightmare as well as my bully for the longest time.
Life was amazing...
I entered my home to see my mom asleep on the couch, with the TV still playing a reality show or some shit. I smiled and turned off the television. I quickly ran to a small hallway closet and took out a blanket, then ran back and placed it on her. She snuggled it up as soon as the warmth reached her body.
'She must've been exhausted to fall asleep like this.' I thought to myself.
I walked back to my room and changed from my UA school uniform into more comfortable clothing so I could sleep as well. I was at school and felt a bit tired after all.
I jumped face down into my bed, making me bounce back up a bit. I sighed.
I guess my new best friend is my bed.
I didn't even realize it, but I fell asleep not long after.


I woke up to my alarm, turns out I had slept through the whole afternoon since I got home from the hideout to the next morning.
I violently hit the clock three times or so to make it shut up.
Groggily, I sat up, rubbing my eyes decently gently to wake myself up I guess. I got out of my comfortable bed and stretched my arms out, making some of the bones in my back and arms make a popping noise.
"Izu~ food's ready!" My mom chanted from downstairs.
I looked at my alarm clock to check the time. It was currently 6:34 in the morning.
"Cool." I said without a care until I remembered I have school again. I checked the alarm clock again and panic flooded me. I got so used to the idea of no school, that I was acting like it was summer break for the rest of my life.
I ran like my life depended on it downstairs, greeted my mom and ate the food like I had never eaten in my life. I thanked her and went to take a fast shower, almost slipping twice in the process.
After zooming around the house as if death was chasing me, I finished getting ready and ran out the door yelling out a quick goodbye to my mom and continued running. Today was a tiring day for sure.
I arrived at our school to be greeted by Shoto at one point since we live decently close to one another.
I panted as I tried to catch my breath from the bunch of running I had made in such a small amount of time. Maybe around two and a half miles in twenty minutes? I may just be getting exaggerated here but I'll never be too sure. We boarded the bus and talked small-talk.
He isn't the most open human in the world, but he isn't the most closed-off either.
He's just the right amount I guess you could say.
We boarded off not long after and made our way into the school building, still chatting about random things that came up throughout the conversation.
Class started and we were informed to submit a hero suit design, by the latest tomorrow.
I still haven't even made my villain suit because of procrastination.
'I guess I could make my hero suit first and then add some similar details to my villain one...' I thought to myself.
I started writing some ideas or details down when a girl with brown hair and light-brown eyes approached me. "Izuku, right?" She asked.
I nodded and looked at her.
Her name was something like...Urchin? No. Ura- "Ura" what?
"Uraraki, right?" I asked her.
She let out a small giggle at my question for some reason. "Close enough!" She stuck out her hand. "Ochako Uraraka!"
She was very cheerful.
I shook her hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you then Uraraka Ochako."
"Just call me Uraraka!"
"Okay then."
I glanced back at our teacher. Aizawa was back to his caterpillar form on the ground behind his desk, fast asleep.
He would never even know if any of us died or if something excruciating ever really happened here from all that sleep he gets.
"Ah! I forgot!" She nervously scratched the back of her head. "I wanted to ask you if you could help me designmy suit since you seem to very knowledgeable with quirks..." She started rambling, "I mean it's okay if you don't! Of course! It was just a que-"
Cutting her off I said, "Of course. Plus I have nothing that important to do apart from doing my own suit. We could work on it together." I shrugged.
I felt like someone was staring at me but I just shrugged it off.
She seemed to have perked up at what I said since her brown orbs widened with excitement.
"Wow, really?! Thank you so much Izuku!!! I owe you one next time!" She nudged my shoulder playfully.
"When do you want to work on this? I'm free all d-" A loud bang sounded as the door was slammed open. Even Aizawa heard it and sat up.
All eyes were on him.
A loud grunt emitted from him.
A scowl was plastered on his face.

'For fucks sake. Really?'


Hello readers! It is I!
I finally had time to update and almost forgot about Bakugo not being there in the last chapter lol.
I also need help with the designs for the villain & hero suits.
I have been busy these past few days with a two-day camp I went to as a volunteer to help out the community. No flex tho lmao.
Anyways, go check out heroacademiafan 's story because...why not?
Anyways have a great day/night/evening~

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