Pro Hero: "Magi"

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(ask something about the story, me, a character, or anything you want to know and I'll answer it in a Q&A!)

I held my head with the back of my hand pressed against my face with a bored look as I sat at the bar used as a cover for the league. Kurogiri wiped a glass cup with a beige towel to dry it as he turned to me curiously.

"What's gotten you in such an odd mood, young master?" He asked.

I looked up at the misty male in front of me. "I'm thinking over who I should intern with. Should I intern with someone random, someone with a similar quirk, or a potential next target?" I asked slumping forwards onto the table.

He placed the glass cup down next to me. "It appears that that is not all that's running through your head, young sir."

"You're not wrong." I huffed and rolled my head to the side to look at him. "It's my friend, Shoto."

"The boy you speak fondly of? The one who kept you company the weeks of the... you know..."

I nodded. "He's great! More than great really... 'too-good-to-be-true' type of good."

He hummed and began to dry another glass cup. "Is he now?" If he had eyebrows, he would've lifted one up.

"Yeah! And I care about him a lot too! Today is the last day we could live together before we go back to how our lives used to be... I've gotten so used to our living routine and stuff that I don't know what I'm gonna do when we move apart! I'll finally get my mom back for good, which is amazing and I'm looking forward to that a lot! But I want to stay with him..." I rambled without thinking.

"Oh sorry... was I rambling again?" I scratched my neck in an embarrassed manner.

He shook his head. "Do continue."

"I-I just don't want to change my living style from what it is now... I know I'll still see him every day during school and walk home with him, but... it's not the same..." I paused for a second. "He'll be going back to his shitty 'father' who will only hurt him... it's not fair..."

Kurogiri hummed thinking over what I said. "I can't really help you there, but I can for sure say that you may have a crush on this 'Shoto' boy." He placed the second cup down and decided to clean the table instead of the cups.

"H-Huh?!" His entire statement catching me off guard completely. I practically jumped up in shock, almost causing the stool I sat on to fall.

"You heard me. You like this boy."

"W-Whatever!" My face felt all warm and I covered it with my arm.

The mist-man chuckled before Shigaraki entered the room scratching at his already damaged neck.

We greeted him as he sat in the corner. He didn't say anything back though.

'Rude much?' I shook my head slightly in disapproval of his lack of manners.

"Is he really coming over soon?" Asked Kurogiri.

"I managed to find him and I blackmailed him with fotos I took of some old files with his real identity to get him to come over." I smirked as my plan was falling into place so perfectly. "Make him aggravated. It'll get him to not want to join us."

"And that helps how?" The hand-man complained.

"He will leave and do his thing. The nearest city is Hosu, where he will attack and we will too."

"That's where we're unleashing a few Nomus to scare people and get heroes to stay more alert." Kurogiri chimed in, me nodding in agreement.

"That's the simpler version of it. Just... be you when he gets here."

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