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I sat on the ground with a head-splitting headache from my quirk being overused. My body felt extremely sticky and smelly from the sweat.
Our class was training for the Sport's Festival and I was being tortured. I groaned and threw myself backwards into the ground at the thought of the league being in their little hideout probably drinking some shit as they do plan small little robberies and small stunts across the city.
A familiar mummy told me to get up and continue training. With a sigh, I got back up, a little dizzy and dehydrated, and started bending some metal piece into random shapes.
I decided to turn around and ask Aizawa for a break or something for my headache, only to be met with no one.
"Ugh..." I put the metal down and decided to jog around the track where some other students from my class were training.
"Yo! Midoryia!" Called out a voice from behind me who I quickly recognized as Kirishima's.
"Hey!" I replied with a tired smile.
"You okay there bud?" He asked as he looked at me with concern plastered on his face.
Before I could say anything, Bakugo interrupted me by storming over and dragging Kirishima away. "S-Sorry bro! I-I'll talk to you later!" He waved awkwardly as he sweatdropped.
"Y-Yeah..." I waved awkwardly back and continued my run.
About fifteen minutes later the bell rung and it was time to go home. I cheered inside my head for the bell; if it hadn't rung I would have been sprawled on the ground, dead.
"Remember that tomorrow we will be training again. Get a good night's rest." Aizawa announced as we all started heading inside.
I sluggishly walked quickly over to the doors leading back into the school to the male's changing room.
I grabbed the lock on the locker that held all of my belongings inside, and turned the lock to the right digits, finally unlocking the tall metal container. I took out my bag and clothes, heading to the showers and attempt to remove the smell of sweat off of me before I headed home.
Sighing, I opened the shower-curtain and turned on the water. In the locker rooms, the water took a few seconds before it even started to warm up, so I just took off my gym shirt, leaving it to hang loosely on my arm.
I heard a few whispers from behind, so I turned around to see what the commotion was about.
Everyone got quiet or acted as if nothing was going on, but a tall red-head spoke up, breaking the awkward silence.
"Dude! What happened to you?" A slight hint of genuine concern laced at his words.
Confused, I looked at him and asked what he meant.
"Your back is completely scarred." He pointed out, a few other classmates agreeing with him.
I turned off the water to not waste it, and replied with a shrug. "I can't see my back so I don't know what you mean."
"Can I?" Kirishima pointed at his phone.
"Go ahead," I nodded as I spun around to face the other way.
A flash was reflected on the curtain I was facing, knowing that he had taken the photo.
I spun back to face the group and he shoved his phone to my face. Squinting, I stepped back and saw the photo.

'Dang... it IS pretty f-ed up...' I thought to myself in shock.

"How did you even get so many scars?" Asked another boy. Sero, if I remember correctly.
"I don't know..." I lied, knowing how most of them even appeared.
"There's even some fresh bruises!" Mineta pointed out.
As everyone started to close in on me, I grew a bit self conscious and placed my shirt on to at least cover the back.
I sweat dropped and tried to find a way to end the conversation.
The sparkly dude stepped up and pointed at the open gym shirt in awe. "Your chest and stomach are also full of scars!"
I quickly closed my gym shirt up and grabbed all of my belongings.
Face pink in embarrassment.

'I'll just shower at home.'

I told Kirishima to please delete the photo before I left and quickly took out my own cell phone to tell Kurogiri to open a portal to my home, since I reeked of sweat and didn't want to die of any further embarrassment at the station.
I sent him coordinates to an alley where he could pick me up and then drop me off at home, I also didn't feel like walking since I was so exhausted from the training and my migraine hadn't gone yet.
He hastily agreed and just told me to make sure no one was there when he opened the portal for obvious reasons.
I sent a quick message, thanking him and made my way out of the building and over to the alley, doing as he asked.
A large, purple whirlpool opened up and I stepped inside of it, leading directly to another alley that was near my house.
I stepped out and looked around in case someone somehow spotted me.
The coast was completely clear.
With a sigh, I gripped my bag's strap and entered my home, making sure to take my shoes off before completely entering the house.
"I'm home!" I called out to whoever was in my house. No reply.

'Weird...' I thought to myself.

"Mom?" I called out.
She was probably out somewhere doing some shopping or hanging out with one of her friends, though she should've at least left a note on the fridge or sent me a text. I was beginning to worry.
I scurried over to the kitchen to check for a note, to no avail.
I unlocked my cellphone to see if she had sent a message and I just hadn't noticed.
The screen displayed no new messages.
My eyes wandered around the room in a panicky feeling.

'Let's text her to see if she's okay...'

I opened up her contact number on my phone and texted her.

Mom 💕

Me: Hey
Me: Where r u?
Me: You're not at home

Delivered at 3:45 pm

I turned off my phone and decided to wait for her reply.
Around seven minutes had passed and I was pacing around the living room with no reply from my mom.

'This feels very wrong.' I thought to myself as plenty of horrible scenarios flashed in my head.

A small ping! resonated in the empty-ish house and I practically threw myself on the device to see if it was my mom.

It was an unknown number.

I gulped as anger and extreme worry flooded my head.
"Who the hell is this..?"
I opened the chat to see a picture of me in my room, taking my shirt off as I was changing.
"W-What the hell..." I dropped my phone on the ground, luckily not shattering it.


?: Hey

Me: who the hell is this?!
Me: Is this some sick joke?
Me: Where did you get that picture??

?: Where's your mom?

I thought for a moment, taking-in the question. If I said "at home", they might be watching and know she's not here, or they're probably the one who took her. They also could not know and are just trying to scare me.
The cellphone had automatically turned off since I wasn't using it, but the screen had turned on, revealing multiple notifications.
One after the other, after the other, and so on.
I unlocked the device once again just to see more images of me at home and different places.
Many of them were of me changing or even studying.
I scrolled down to the newer ones, feeling almost about ready to throw up only to feel weak at my knees, as a shiver ran down my spine.
I quickly turned to look behind me, facing the window to see no one there, then bolted to the only door leading to the outside and locked it.

The last message they sent was a photo of me from that window looking at my cellphone. It was accompanied by a text saying.

?: I see you ♥️


Ooo~ cliffhangers
I can smell the anger in you from here in my quarantined room as I watch Haikyuu.
Who do you think this "stalker" is and what are they trying to do~?
Stay tuned to find out!!!

I hope you enjoyed this little chapter over here ;)
I hope you have a great day/night ♥️

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now