Soulmate Mark

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(Weeks later: July 15th) :

I awoke to the delicious smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes to rid of the remaining sleep embedded on them as I yawned.

Slowly, and eventually, I got up, grabbed a pen, and looked at the calendar next to my desk, crossing-off the date.

As I looked at the number of the day, something seemed oddly familiar about it but the sleep in my system wouldn't let me process it so early in the morning. After a few seconds of staring, something seemed to click in my mind.

"I'm a moron." I facepalmed.

July 15th.

My birthday.

My sixteenth birthday, to be exact.

I quickly made my way to the closest mirror, scanning the visible areas of my body for the iconic soulmate mark everyone gets during their sixteenth birthday.

The mark symbolizes something about your soulmate that no one knows about them, or how you'll meet; though it's difficult to tell when you do meet them. Sometimes the marks can be off or too basic and it makes people's lives rather hard to find their special someone.

A simple book, for example. You could meet your soulmate reading a book, or maybe they enjoy reading a lot. That could be almost anyone; which is why soulmate marks are very complex.

I practically ripped my shirt off, scanning frantically around my chest and upper arms, not seeing any sort of symbol.

I panicked before checking my back, where a beautiful mark had been sitting right around my lower area of the shoulder.

It was a blue and red colored flower with some gray or silver strands on the petals. It was actually kind of cute.

I stared at the mark for a long while before snapping out of the trance it put me in, putting on a shirt and making my way dow to the kitchen where the smell of pancakes grew stronger.

"Good morning mom!" I said with a smile.

She turned around to face me with a bright smile as she hadn't seen nor heard me walk towards her. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY PRECIOUS IZUKU!" She wrapped her arms around me in a war hug. She then kissed both my cheeks and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Look at you... You're so big now!" She started, "But you're still my baby boy!" She hit me softly across my back in a playful manner.

"Is that pancakes you're making?" I asked, peeking over at the pan.

"Yeah! I just finished making them too. Let's eat!" She set the food onto our plates before sitting down next to me to eat.

I practically drooled as I poured the golden-like syrup onto the pancakes. "Itadakimasu~!" We both said, bowing our heads before digging in.

As I was about to stab through the food, my mom stopped me as she sang the classical tune of 'Happy Birthday' to me.

"Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to youu~
Happy birthday my dear Izukuu~...
Happy birthday to you~!"

I smiled widely as she sang, feeling grateful for all she had done for me.

She deserves the world.


I got myself cleaned-up with a nice and warm shower, deciding to go out today and enjoy some fresh air rather than being cooped up inside the house all day.

I put on a white t-shirt with some green cargo-pants, feeling rather comfortable.

I sprinted down the hallway to the living room ready to leave until I saw my mom sitting with her back facing me as she held a note along with an opened envelope.

"M-Mom..?" I say a little above a whisper. She turned around swiftly with fresh tears adorning her face, quickly turning into a shocked expression upon seeing me.

She wiped her eyes quickly, folding the paper she had in her hands and putting it in ger pocket. "F-For y-you!" She handed me the envelope in her hand. Tilting my head curiously, I looked at her before scanning-over the card a few times.

I soon began to read its contents.

"Dear Izuku Midoriya,

We have seen your acts of heroism and decided it would be best if you joined our hero course here in 'Yuuei Highschool', otherwise known as 'UA'. We would love to have you join and see further of your great potential.

Best regards,
- Principal Nezu."

I looked at the card in disbelief as I knew why they wanted me to join their prestigious school now. It was too late for me to turn sides, but I decided to take the offer as I could learn to enhance and use my new quirk better, and get the League of Villains information on the staff, building, or even the future heroes studying there as of now.

My mom hugged me tightly, sobbing into my shoulder. "IM SO PROUD OF MY BABYYYY~!!!" She cried loudly, sniffling here-and-there. "I actually talked to the principal a few days ago, and he told me about you and your quirk! I didn't even know you had one!!"

"I guess I'm a late bloomer..." I half-lied.

"He came over and asked permission to let you go and study with the other future-heroes!! Your dream!! You can now become a hero and save people like you always wanted!!"

'I don't think I will...' I thought, biting the inside of my cheek.

She let go of me eventually, excusing herself as she left to pull herself together in another room, leaving me alone with the opened card at hand, completely forgetting the one she had folded and put in one of her pockets.

I flipped it over to see some information to register completely.

What a great birthday had this been so far.


Hi! Yes! Sorry for the short update, but I was running out of ideas and I love to torture you guys ;)

Also, THANKS TO YOU ALL LOVELY CREATURES FOR READING MY BOOK! It's currently at 23+K reads in such a short time period at that. I've only been writing this since late December 2018 and barely update!!! I hope you keep reading and enjoying my shitty work as much as possible.



Future me:

Have a great rest of your day :)

☁️🌙 [Status: Edited Mar. 28, 2021]🌙☁️

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now