Unexpected Visitor

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I registered to go into UA Highschool on my computer with the help of my mom. She was very worried about me going there, though I'd expect her to have been much more happy and excited as it used to be my childhood dream to become a pro-hero (though not anymore of course). I asked her why she seemed so preoccupied, but she wouldn't answer no matter how much I asked.

By now, I've made a quick sketch of a plan; though I won't tell you quite yet what it is since it's not very thought out yet, but it will be soon.

I grabbed my new journal which already had a few rough-sketches of plans and a bunch of random notes scattered around the lined pages. I sat on my desk and started to write for a bit before a knock on my door stopped me.

"Izu, honey? It's mom. Can you come down to the living-room?" Said the voice from behind my closed door. "There's a- um... man here who would like to speak with you! He says he's the principal of Yuuei Highschool."

My heart skipped a beat. I guess there's still some piece left from the old me somewhere deep down.

I shoved the hopeful and happy feeling away, getting up and walking to the door. "Coming!" I said loudly, making myself look a bit more presentable in a sense, as my outfit was very rushed and casual today.

Taking precaution, I shut my notebook and placed it under my bed quickly so no one who'd walk into my room could easily find it or even see it.

Calmly walking out the door, shutting behind me, before practically skipping as many steps as carefully, yet quickly, possible to get downstairs.

As I reached the bottom, I saw my mom on the couch sipping some tea, and a— mouse? Either way, it was some animal-like creature who sat on our couch sipping what appeared to be tea.

I'm not one to judge, but I couldn't help but wonder what type of quirk must this... mouse have that lets him be the principal of such a prestigious and well known school? Not to mention it's decently low acceptance rate. Why did he chose me, of all people, to join without going through the entrance-exam?

I had many thoughts and questions running in my head at the moment to even realize that they were starting to stare at me and my spaced-out expression.

The furry-creature cleared its throat loudly, snapping me out of my trance. It jumped off the sofa and started walking towards me with soft little taps his feet made with each step.

I had to keep my face free of emotion, though it was hard as each little step he took just made me want to run and cradle the mouse in my arms like some cute cat or dog. I'd be a gushing mess if I didn't control myself.

As he came closer I noticed a scar over his eye. 'Wonder how he got that...' I thought to myself.

He extended his paw for me to shake. "Greetings, I am principal Nezu of UA Highschool. You are Midoriya Izuku, I presume?" He spoke as I extended my own hand to shake his.

"Y-Yeah, I am." I said nervously. I didn't expect his voice to sound like that whatsoever.

"Please, sit. We have to talk." He gestured towards the seats.

"Yeah." I took a seat next to my mom.

The mouse sat across from us. "Ink— Mrs. Midoriya-" He corrected himself. It raised question how he knew her name and managed to make such a mistake in calling her by her first name rather than her last.

'Did they perhaps already know eachother?' I thought before shrugging the thought away. 'He may have misread the name on some file and made the mistake.'

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