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It's been a few weeks since I was deemed missing by the public. They announced they had a search team looking for me, but nothing new.

"So... everyone remember the plan?" I asked the group that sat and stood around me. The group nodded letting out a few yes-es and other agreeing words. "Good. We'll be departing in an hour." I got up from my seat at the bar and made my way to my new room. Before I left, I turned to face the newly-hired crew. "Be ready. Do NOT mess it up. And don't lay a hand a boy named Shoto Todoroki. I'll personally make it hell on Earth for you guys if you even lay a hand on him." I glared, causing a few of the so-called villains shiver and one tensed-up before making my full exit.

I sighed, passing my hand over my messy green hair.


I was standing between Toga and Dabi, who I'd grown close to over the course of my stay here. The blonde was trying not to jump from excitement at the idea of taking blood from people again. Dabi remained the same stoic way he usually is.

"Just a few more minutes." I said almost unbelieving of my plan actually going into action. It's bound to fail, but we'll at least get a few of the things we need.

"ACK! You guys think I might meet my soulmate there?!" Toga gushed, swaying her body side to side in an almost snake-like way.

"You? And a a hero?" Dabi scoffed. "Doubt it."

She pouted. "AW! Come on Dabi! It's possible!"


Toga had previously talked to me about soulmate marks and questioned both me and Dabi about ours. I told her about my flowered mark and the raven-haired male was reluctant to answer at first but then answered by showing us his mark. It was slightly visible due to his majorly burnt up skin. Hers was a simple pink bubblegum-bubble. It was cute.

Our conversation was cut short to a purple portal opening up in front of us. "You guys ready?"

The blonde jumped around, placing her strange mask on and adjusting it before stepping through, us following closely behind.

A cold breeze hit me, making me shiver from the sudden temperature change. I looked in front of me; the view was incredible and even mesmerizing.

It was dark out. The sky was clear and you could see many stars littering the night sky. The moon and stars shone brightly, illuminating the area decently; though you would need a flashlight to see clearly in the dark. We were standing on a cliff and could see the trees under us as well as a few hills and mountains off in the distance.

Dabi waved his hand over my face. "You okay there Midoriya?"

"Huh?! Oh- yeah! I'm good. Just admiring this place..."

"You're right. It's very nice." He gave a small smile that resembled Shoto's a bit too much before he frowned. "Too bad it's gotta go up in flames."

"Yeah..." The wind swayed the trees.

"Let's hurry up and go...!" Exclaimed the muscle-y brute.

I turned to glare at him. "Not yet. Wait a bit more."

Dabi smirked, approaching the edge of the cliff and looking down. "These 'heroes', riddled with holes will fall to the Earth... All for the sake of a brighter future."

Toga finally finished adjusting her mask. "But like, I totally hate this! It's not cute at all!" She complained.

The younger male we hired, going by the alias of 'Mustard', not as in the condiment like I first imagined but because of his gas quirk acting almost as the deadly 'Mustard Gas', stepped up fixing his gloves. He reminded me of Darth Vader by the way his costume looked.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now