Third Hostage

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"H-Hey..! H-Hey! You're okay! You're okay!" He reassured, though it was mostly to himself.

"My arm hurts..." The little girl admitted in pain as large bubbles of tears rolled down her face slowly.

"I know it does," he crouched on the ground. "Big brother's gonna make it all better, okay?"

She sobbed in his arms. "It hurts so much Izu-nii..."

"I know Eri. I know..."

Her eyes began to flutter to a close, but he did his best to keep her awake.

Snipe stared in disbelief over his own actions' results, backing away slowly in regret as everyone around them just remained unmoved with their eyes glued the scene unfolding before them with wishes of it just being a bad dream or maybe even just a scene from some movie.

Some innocent girl treated as a hostage was hurt by the good guys, but cared for by the bad guys. It didn't make sense to them. Was there something they were missing? Perhaps unaware of?

"Get them and the girl!" Someone yelled, causing the mob to snap back and charge towards them.

Izuku looked around, trying to find some way out, but finding none. He was cornered, his sister was slowly dying in his arms, and everything around him had gone to shit. Slowly, he began to accept his nearing fate, hugging the injured girl closer and getting his shirt soaked with her blood. "I'm sorry..." He whispered softly.

Todoroki took notice of the situation, creating an immense dome of thick-ice to separate them from the outside world. Small frost creeping-up his right side as a drawback.

The mob outside began to attempt to destroy the barrier, barely managing to crack it in some areas.

Not even a few seconds later, a pair of blurred feet slammed against the very top of the ice barrier, managing to crack it slightly. The loud thud of feet meeting the ice with such force managed to scare the teens, but they simply just shrugged it off as one of the police or heroes trying to smash the dome from the top.

The feet disappeared not long after landing on the ice, presumably because the person jumped off.

The heterochromic male soon crept over, placing his hand over her wound. "May I?"

Izuku's watery eyes looked at the boy that was crouching behind him, unable to respond in any way as everything just felt like static. The bicolor-haired teen took it as a sign to do as he must.

"Eri..." He spoke softly as he was trained on how to respond to such situations. Shoto shut his eyes as he scanned his memory for the specifics.

The girl's usual bright eyes looked at him with worry and fear. All of the light slowly fading.

A shot like this wouldn't usually kill anyone taller or older than her for that matter, but seeing as she was barely under the age of ten, she could die any second from the amount of blood she's losing at such a fast rate.

Shoto took it upon himself to use his quirk to cauterize her wound to stop the bleeding. It would leave a life-long scar and would hurt like hell, but it was better than seeing her die.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now