Hand Crusher

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The next morning we were laying in hospital beds all bandaged up. My entire body hurt like hell since I haven't moved as much as I did last night when we fought off Stain.

Iida had the worst of all of us since both his arms were bandaged and in slings. Shoto had the less injuries out of us three; his left arm was bandaged and he was bruised and cut up in some areas but not enough to damage too much. I was completely sore and covered in bruises as well as small cuts in some areas as well as my left leg was bandaged and my right arm as well.

We talked for a bit, mostly about last night before we passed out which is when a pro stepped inside along with the chief of police who had a mutation quirk, making him half dog fall human.

Us three jolted up a bit and attempted to get out of bed to greet him and apologize for the trouble, but he stopped us. "Don't worry, you can remain seated. I know you had it quite RUFF!" He barked.

'RUFF...!?" I deadpanned trying not to laugh.

"So you're the kids who put a stop to the Hero Killer! You're UA kids alright!" He continued. " Actually, regarding Stain... he sustained several burns, bone fractures, and other serious injuries, and is currently undergoing  treatment for them." The chief kept on from there to scold us for our unruly behavior and how it was illegal for us to use our quirks even though it was used for good.

"You three pups and your internship heroes which is to say Endeavor, Manual, and Magi— you six will all be handed down an adequately impartial punishment."

All of us grew shocked because we never thought that we'd get punished for saving countless- if not millions- of people's lives. It was like punishing a person walking an elderly across the street because someone with higher status should've done it.

"Wait, hold on sir." Shoto interrupted. "If Iida hadn't moved in on him, then Mr. 'Native' would've gotten killed. And if Midoryia hadn't arrived, then the both of them would've been killed." He explained. "At that time, nobody had noticed the Hero Killer's arrival yet, sir."

We all looked at him surprised at his sudden outburst. He tends to be more self-reserved and quiet so it shocked us that he spoke out, especially to a chief of police. Someone who's way higher in power and status than all three of us combined.

"Sh-Shoto..." I tugged on to his sleeve. If he kept talking it might make the situation worse.

"So are you saying we should've followed the rules and let everyone die?!" He yelled.

"So if the end results turn out all right you think we should just fudge the rules, is that it?" The chief retorted.

Shoto grew annoyed at the half-man-half-dog standing in front of us by the door. " 'Saving'...SAVING PEOPLE IS WHAT HEROES DO! ITS THEIR JOB!"

I nodded slyly, agreeing with his statement.

The chief said something about how we were called 'eggs' and how 'we were hatching well'

A tick mark appeared on the bicolor-haired male's forehead. He got up angrily ready to attack the chief. "YOU DAMN MUTT-!"

I got in front of him, visibly flinching at the pain in my left leg from the sudden movement.

The pro 'Manual', crossed his arms and sighed. "You're gonna wanna listen to what he has to say next."

Shoto stood down and relaxed, sitting on the edge of my bed and I did too.

The dog-man nodded and scratched at his snout. "Well, that was my opinion as police. As for the rest of what I have to say... Well... At the end of the day, punishment is meted upon official disclosure."

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