Lunch Buddies

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I glared at the sandy-blonde haired boy standing in front of us.

Bakugou Katsuki.

Otherwise called Kaachan by me since.... well... kindergarten or even more far back. Practically since I could remember in other words.
"Deku?!" He yelled at me once he spotted me near Uraraka.
He started quickly making his way over to me.
"H-Hi Kaach-"
"I- uh... Go here now?" I'm such an imbecile. I'm showing all my weakness.
He's a steppingstone on my path in a way.
I must rid myself of him. But how?
He gripped my arm very hard, making me wince a bit since he was digging his nails into my shoulder. "You're what?!" He spat.
"I go here now." I said now with a bit more of confidence.
"I heard you dumbass! I wanna know why you are going here to UA with us future heroes. You're QUIRKLESS! You didn't even GO to the fucking entrance exam! Don't say you were there and I didn't see you! I would've known it was you from a fucking mile away!" He kept yelling at me. "I know that all these extras somehow made it past the entrance and written exam, but you AT LEAST need a quirk to become a hero!"
'Who says I'll become a hero?' I thought to myself with a bit of a smirk.
"I DO have a quirk Kaachan! You're just an ignorant piece of crap that's all!" I snapped at him and used the opposite hand to the arm he was squeezing the life out of to rip his hand off.
The whole class was watching with interest and surprise at the sudden change of attitude in me as well as the "friendly" interaction between us both.
I still felt those eyes from before on me, but not just because my classmates were looking at me. They had a distinct feeling to them. I just can't put my finger onto why or what that feeling really is behind the stare.
"Bakugou, could you please go back to your seat and actually pay attention. 'Cause I'm sure these... what did you call them? "Extras" can do a better job at listening than you." Aizawa retorted at him.
The class laughed quietly at the event that had just occurred.
Bakugou grunted and glared at me one last time before turning around and heading to his seat in anger.
Not anger.
His seat was just so casually in front of my freaking seat.
'Fuck.' I thought to myself.
I decided to ignore his feelings of pure rage towards both me and the teacher and looked down at my hands which were clutched together tightly. They were shaking a bit.
I was close to having a panic attack.
In all honesty, I haven't had one since a long time. By long time I mean a few weeks, maybe three or four at the least. I didn't miss the feeling of pure fear and anxiety mixed together. I especially don't want one here. I barely know everyone's names and quirks and they all seem decently close.
They could gang up on me or something thanks to me being such a lame-ass loser.
'I have to stop overthinking...' I clutched my hands even tighter; my knuckles going paler by the second.
A tap on my shoulder shook me out of my paranoid thoughts.
"You okay?" Asked a boy with decently long, black hair for a guy. Like- it was short? A mullet is what it's called.
"Y-Yeah, I am... just a little shaken up is all." I replied as shaky-less as possible, looking over at him as I spoke.
"Oh, okay." He said in a whisper so Aizawa wouldn't hear us speak as he sort of lectured us on hero stuff.
Keyword: "sort of".
He smiled and stuck out his hand out to me. "The name's Sero, you're Izuku, right?"
I nodded and shook his hand.
A boy behind me grunted.
We both looked back at the boy sitting behind me.
He was short, had purple hair which had these grape-looking things sticking to it, and reminded me of someone Todoroki told me about weeks before.
"Mineta." He looked at the wall with a bored expression.
'I never asked.' I rolled my eyes.
"No one cares Mineta." Sero said as he turned back around towards the board, ignoring him.
"Rude." Replied the purple boy.
"Anything you'd like to share with the class Mineta?" Said Aizawa with a bored tone, looking in our direction. Most of the class was now looking at him, so out of instinct I turned around as well so I didn't get suspected as to his outburst.
Thankfully me and Sero were looking away from him before, so he can't suspect us being part of it as much as if we were looking back at the grape-boy.
"N-No sir..." he said with a stutter.
"Good. Now pay attention." He said as he turned back around, chalk in his hand.
Everyone else turned back to look at the board and Mineta just mumbled what apeared to be insults to either us or the teacher.
Either way I didn't care.
At the end of class, me and Todoroki talked a bit about ideas for the suits. I told him that his should have something to cover his face, but he kept insisting that it bothered him. He gave me some ideas and I ended up memorizing them so I could use them on either one of the suits I had to make.
At lunch, I met up with Shinsou, he actually thought I wouldn't have stopped by to eat with him and have our own lunch/book-meet time.
"We should actually start a club!" I said with a smile and a thumbs-up.
"Really?" He said curiously. "No one really likes to read anymore, so it'd be hard to find candidates..." He stated.
"Ah, true... but we could always ask around!" I said.
He seemed to be actually contemplating the idea for a moment.
"Maybe when we have at least four members, we can ask the school to let us hold an after school reading club."
I chirped up at the idea.
"YES! Let's do this!" I fist-bumped the air in excitement.
Shinsou smiled a bit and nodded. "It's a deal then." We high-fived.
Can I ask you a question?" He looked at me dead in the eyes.
"Sure! Go ahead!" I smiled.
"Actually, this might be a personal question..."
"Just say it." I leant back on the stairs a bit, still looking at him.
He looked down at his almost finished tray of food on his lap.

"What's your soulmate mark?"


Guess who's back ;)
I am hyped! My ibf is back after a few months and I am GLOWING with excitement. I even cried.
Anyways, Izuku's hero suit WILL be his normal one that he has in the show, but the villain one is the one I'm having a bit of trouble with... so I need some ideas.

• A message he won't see (probably):

Also, how's your day been? Anything exciting?

Have a great life m8s! <3
-Miles ;)

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now