Hero Killer: "Stain"

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It was getting dark now and we only got to stop a mugging, which is saying a lot considering that the city was rather brimming with pro heroes and a few interns. From time to time I would look around to see if I could spot Iida, but no luck.

'Shigaraki and Kurogiri should start unleashing those Nomu in a bit.' I thought to myself as I checked my watch. 'Yep.'

"You comfy in that hero suit of yours?" Magi asked casually as he walked next to me.

I looked up at his face considering the fact that he was a whole foot or two taller than me. "It sort of is, yeah."

The silence was awkward and I was too busy thinking about how to break it that a woman's scream made me jump as it snapped me out of my thoughts. More screams erupted from a few meters away from us. Magi ran with me following close behind him.

'Is this finally it?' I felt all giddy inside thinking that it might actually be my plan in full action.

We arrived at the scene.

People were running in all directions, there was screaming and crying, pushing of people as they selfishly decided it was every person for themselves. I almost cracked a grin only to remember that I had to stay undercover as much as possible.

There were some people that had been injured from their surroundings and the careless people who ran them over to get to safety.

"Deku!" Magi called out to me. "Go save as many people as you can from the debris and meet me back here in half an hour!" I nodded and made my way out of the scene, helping some people along the way. I had to make a little visit to a dear friend.

I got into an empty building and changed into my villain suit as quickly as I could, then jumped out and ran from rooftop to rooftop until I could see the famous Hero Killer: Stain.

He had just been walking around in the dark as if he were looking for something. I dropped down as quietly as possible with my hand hovering over a blade just in case. Stain tends to be unpredictable.

He stepped out into the light huffing in annoyance as he didn't find what he was looking for. He had surprisingly not realized I was behind him yet.

"Hello Stain." I greeted from the shadows.

The hero killer jumped a small distance away before turning and looking around frantically for the source of the voice. I stood behind him with my blade hovering over his neck.

"Care to chat?"

He chuckled before pushing the blade away from his throat. "You're no hero, kid. I have no business with you." He was about to turn to leave when I sent a kick that swept him off his legs. Stain groaned and rubbed his back as I walked towards him, blade in hand threateningly over his neck again, but this time it was actually pressed against his skin.

He sighed and nodded before I removed my weapon but still held it close to me for protection.

"Wha'ddya want?"

"Just a quick conversation. I don't wanna waste your—nor my—time." I crossed both arms over my chest and leant against the graffitied brick wall.

"About?" He seemed to have quirked a brow but I couldn't tell from the mask.

"An offer." I said before he scoffed.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now