Man With the Blue Hair

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The man with his hand wrapped around my wrist was making me very uncomfortable. I had no idea if what he was doing was due to him being some creep or if it had to do with his quirk. Either way, I wasn't very excited about the results.

There was an awkward silence until I decided to break it with small coughs from time to time. My throat was so dry and I needed some water. "So... um... thank you for calling the ambulance for me..."

"Who said it was me?" He replied.

The air became very dense. The room was awkwardly quiet once more.

I'm guessing none of us are good with social skills.

"Huh?" I opened one eye to look at the hooded figure. I could see his face a bit more clearer than before but it was blurry as can be. He was leaning his head against the palm of his hand as his arm rested against the side of my bed. He was sitting on what I assumed to be the doctor's chair.

"Exactly what I said." He said lazily. " 'Who. said. it. was. me.' ?"

"Then who did?" I asked, quite puzzled.

"God knows!" He threw his arms up in the air. "I just saw the ambulances pull up to the site before I knocked the guy out. Sometimes people need to take credit for what others do. Specifically if the person needs the reward that comes with it." He stated.

"Oh...? And what was the reward?" A small stinging sensation erupted in my wrist that went unnoticed due to the rest of my body being in greater pain.

"You." He said flatly.

I blinked a couple of times processing the information as best as my small and damaged brain could. "...What?"

With an annoyed sigh, he spoke with his raspy-like voice, scratching at his neck furiously; which looked more as if he had an infected rash. In his time at the hospital, he should get it checked out. "You, Izuku, have an incredible future ahead of you."

I gave him a half-hearted laugh, feeling my ribs ache slightly. "Yeah right. A quirkless nobody like me?" I looked at him from my angle. "What could you possibly gain from me?"

"Ah, I see... Maybe it was a bad idea saving resources to save you then. You're just a quirkless nobody who doesn't deserve to be special then." The man got up from his seat and started to walk out the door. "Forget I was ever here then!" He said in a sing-song tone and waved casually, sticking one of his hands in his sweater's pocket.

"Hey! Get back here!" I called out of the need to know his plan. "Just because I'm quirkless doesn't mean you get to rub it all over my face! I get it, okay?!" I was furious, not only of him, but me for losing my cool. I knew he only said that to annoy me and get to win my attention, which worked perfectly, but it was still rude.

He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "I was just saying what you said." He pointed at my hand which emitted a slight metallic-green glow. "I thought you were quirkless, by the way."

A sudden rush of adrenaline coursed through my body out of panic, causing me to push my body up and slam my already hurt head to the rim of the metallic bed. I stammered random incoherent sounds and questions.

"Boss is giving you a quirk. He's been watching you for a while and wanted me to talk to you personally. He saw you as 'worthy' enough to personally give you a quirk; or 'personally' meaning me delivering it to you." He stated, taking a seat by my bed once more. "In other words, my boss wants you to have a quirk."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now