UA Sports Festival 2/3

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"T-Ten... MILLION?!" I was about to faint. Maybe I shouldn't have thanked God to have brought that piece of metal along with me...


Midnight held a murderous look on her face. "Those who reach the top merely encounter fresh new hardships. And the kids who have enrolled here will hear it countless times:" She paused for a split second before continuing with a louder voice. "PLUS ULTRA!"

I'm so fucked.

She looked at me and pointed. "To the boy who placed first in the preliminaries! GO TEN MILLION POINTS!!" Everyone around me glared as their auras turned deadly and determined.

Some time passed as they explained the rules for the second round. When they finished, everyone dispersed looking for a group in the fifteen minutes they gave us. I stood in the same spot looking around like an idiot, knowing no one would want to team up with me considering the large target on my back due to the points. It's clear my team would lose almost instantly.

I looked to my side, spotting a large crowd around Kaachan. It made sense everyone would team up with him since he's powerful and such.

I looked down at my hands with slight disappointment. A voice chirped from my right. "Let's team up!"

My eyes widened in happiness. "You mean it's okay?! Even though everyone will be after my million points?!"

"It's all right, if we just keep evading, you'll definitely win!" She made her hands into fists and smiled. Somehow, she seemed to glow.


I smiled back pointing out that I wanted to team up with her too. I told her that I'd like to team up with Ilda, so we went to ask him which he declined and walked over to Todoroki, Momo, and Kaminari.

'War huh...' I thought to myself with a slight frown forming on my face.

Someone laughed from behind before they zoomed way too close to my face. "LET'S TEAM UP MISTER FIRST PLACE!!!"

I panicked at the proximity. "Whooa, so close! Who are you!!?"

She lifted up her steampunk-themed goggles and grinned. "I'm Hatsume Mei of the department of support!" She said proudly. "I don't know you but I'd like to be able to use your position!" She explained how if she joined me she would get lots of attention and could then show off her, quote-on-quote, her "super cute little babies". She wanted the heroes to see her equipment.

It clicked in my head that if I had her in my team then we could use her equipment to our advantage. Uraraka seemed slightly hesitant in having her in our team, but we needed more members and she seemed useful.

"FIVE MORE MINUTES!" Yelled the 18+ hero.

I spotted Tokoyami, that bird dude with the moving shadow. I ran to him and asked if he would join, to which in my surprise he did.

The event started and everyone started to charge at me. Keeping a cold head, I told Uraraka to make all of our clothes and equipment weightless so we can act faster as we carry all the extra weight. She nodded and quickly took action. As she started tapping all of us and the equipment I noticed my teammates' legs were engulfed by some goo that appeared to be part of some opposing team's quirk user. I took matters into my own hands since I was the one being carried by my team, and thanks to our teammate from the Support Department, I had one of her inventions which happened to be a jet pack.

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