Villain with a Heart

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The strange surge of energy that coursed through my body caused the hairs on my skin to rise almost like electricity was in the air. As I waited for the harsh impact of the helicopter against my scrawny body, yet nothing occurred.

I opened one of my eyes, peeking up at the sky, only to see a hovering helicopter above my head by a few feet. The people stuck on the glass, stared down at me in fear and relief as I just saved both their, and my life.

I had just saved my own skin, and for that I pay with the price of feeling vomit crawl up my throat.

Swallowing it down along with the feeling on dizziness, I gathered enough energy and walked away from the vehicle, dropping it to the ground with a decently loud crash as I had no idea how to lower it nicer and I felt like utter shit.

It also didn't help that I just ate lunch and left the hospital after falling off a building.

The bystanders stared at me before they erupted in cheers at my heroic action. Todoroki ran up to me and stood awkwardly in front of me, still in shock at what I did, yet he still didn't know what was socially acceptable to do. He looked as if he wanted to hug me, or shake my hand but I couldn't tell which; so I simply smiled awkwardly.

As the crowd surrounded me, a man pushed through and reached me as he held back tears. In one swift move, he held me in his arms with a smile. "Thank you!" He said. "Thank you so much!"

I was still in shock as this broke so many personal boundaries, but I guess he was just terrified.

I glanced to the side, spotting the crying child from earlier, who was safely wrapped around the man's other arm. He clutched some figurine in his hands tightly as if his life depended on it.

My eyes widened in realization.

'I saved that kid.' My eyes watered.

As someone who wants to kill All Might and work for the villains, I understood my role as a one, but I still have a heart. I'm not some cold-blooded monster out for blood.

I just want real justice.

The people in the helicopter came and thanked me deeply for saving their lives. They quickly thought that they could do a report on me for their news broadcast, but I denied politely as attention is not something I seek out unless needed.

Police and heroes came not long after, trying to inspect the situation and handle the press who came quicker than they did. I didn't feel like sticking around to get scolded for using my quirk without a license, so I did the most logical thing I could think of at the moment.

I took Todoroki by the hand and ran.

Some people in the crowd watched in confusion as I ran away from possible recognition or fame while some moved to help me get out of the way, understanding that I could get in trouble for using my quirk.

'Can I not have a nice lunch out with a friend? Is my luck this bad, honestly?' I thought to myself as I ran the opposite direction from the crowd.

I kept running until I needed to catch my breath. We were pretty far from the scene by then.

"I-I'm so sorry-" I stopped for a second and panted, "Todoroki."

He placed his hand on my shoulder with a nod. "It's all right Midoriya. You saved that kid from almost dying, that's something you should be proud of."

I smiled at him with a slight nod of my head, swiping a bead of sweat rolling down my cheek off. "Thank you!"

Todoroki didn't change his stoic expression, yet he seemed as full of expression as any other person. He looked me dead in the eyes, grabbing me by both shoulders. "Midoriya." He stated.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm guessing you go to UA?" He guessed.

"Sadly, no." I said with a twinge of sadness as that was my dream school ever since I could remember.

"Oh? I'm rather surprised since you have such a strong quirk. I'm stuck with a bunch of uncultured swines." He scoffed, looking away with an annoyed look, letting go of my shoulders.

I covered my mouth, stifling a laugh. "And who are they?" I asked, finding a bench nearby and sitting down next to the boy with the scar; listening to him rant about his odd classmates.

"Well... there's this kid who every one hates; his name's Mineta. He kind of looks like a grape due to his purple looks and height."

"Why do they hate him?" I asked.

"He's what they call a 'pervert'. He likes to snoop around and talk in a disgusting manner about the girls there. Most of us have to go around and pry him off the girls. It's such a pain." He sighed, leaning against his hand.

I reeled back in disgust. "Poor girls..."

"Another in the class is a girl; her name is Yayorozou Momo."

"I think I've heard that name before. Isn't that a big company name of sorts?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded. "She has a creation quirk where she can make anything from her body using the lipids. I don't particularly hate her for anything nor do I like her either. She just follows me around and compliments me too much. Not that other girls and guys don't do that either..." He rolled his mismatched eyes.

"The next is Aizawa-Sensei. He is the teacher of our class, yet he doesn't teach. All he does is sleep in his sleeping bag, eat, and from time-to-time teach us something valuable. So much for being the top class at UA..."

"Well he sure sounds interesting." I said sarcastically.

"We have some blond prick too, but it gives me a headache just thinking about him, let alone share a room with him." He confessed, looking up at the buildings hovering above us.

"I know someone like that. Always a pain to be around."

He hummed, agreeing with my statement.

"My classmates are so strange. You would have to meet them to actually see for yourself how they are."

"I believe you. Maybe some day I will." I replied turning my head from his direction to look up at the shining buildings as well.


Yes. So please @ me and get me to write for you more.
Also, HOW TF DID THIS BOOK REACH 20K?!?!? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I love you all and thanks for supporting my story so much! 💞
I have had this chapter in my drafts for a few weeks now (whoops!)

If you wanna contact me:
- Use my Wattpad DM's or the Message Board.
- My instagram: @Salt.yee

School's almost out so.... yeah!
Love you all!


Future me:
I hate the fact that this chapter is so short, but I had no idea what to write along with this unless I mash the next chapter with this one so... no

Have a great rest of your day :)

☁️🌙 [Status: Edited Mar. 19, 2021]🌙☁️

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now