Class 1-A

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I woke up to my alarm on a Monday morning around 6 am to get ready for my official first day of school at UA. Out of old habit, I almost packed my journal, but hid it under a pile of papers in one of my drawers.

The day Nezu came to my home to tell me I had been accepted into UA, I managed to inform the League Of Villains about the situation I was in.

Shigaraki saw this as a great opportunity to infiltrate the prestigious school, just as I'd suggested. We sat for a while and discussed the roughed-out plan to end All Might and the corrupt ways of the hero society.

Now I am tying my tie for school, though that's not going as well, so it's a sloppy mess. I was set to spend my time studying with the top hero course in class 1A; the next self-absorbed generation of heroes that we'll depend on in our near future.
My face scrunched-up in disgust at the thought of these kids my age becoming heroes. They're all the same. Only caring about their image and looking down on others if they don't meet their standards.

All except a certain heterochromic eyed male, so far.

I finished, grabbing my backpack stuffed with all the things I needed to bring with me along with a spare notebook to take notes on my new classmates.

"Bye mom!" I yelled into the echoey home, putting on my shoes in front of the front door.

"Izu! Wait!" She ran towards me with her camera, tears of joy threatening to fall.

"Mom, I'm gonna be late!" I complained.

"Ok! Ok!" She said preparing her camera. "One quick picture though!" She signaled, holding her camera up.

"Alright." I sighed, posing with my bag over my shoulder. A wide smile plastered over my face before a quick flash blinded me momentarily. "I really gotta go now mom!" I said hurriedly, looking at my watch.

She kissed my cheek quickly before giving me a tight hug. "Bye Izu~!" She let go and so did I.

"UA, here I come." I said to myself.


Arriving at UA Highschool took much longer than  I'd expected. The bus today was packed though I thought it would be the quickest way to get to the school.

'Mental note: never take the bus to school, take train like usual.' I mentally noted.

Thankfully I made it to the school on time.

When I got there, I saw millions of people crowded at the gate causing me to not be able to get in.

Most of the people crowding the entrance were news reporters and journalists of sorts. They were cornering and bombarding the students who didn't want to associate with those people.

'Are all days gonna look like this?' I looked up at the sky in sheer disappointment.

Then, a path cleared a bit enough for me to push through. When the reporters caught a glimpse of me, they not only saw that I went to this 'elite hero-in-the-making school', but the boy who survived the fall from a building not long ago.

I heard people murmur and yell questions They all turned from the school to me. I decided to try something that might help me in the moment. It was worth the try.
I activated my quirk and grabbed all the small metallic objects surrounding me and made a tall wall with them, they covered me up well enough to run and hide before they noticed and then de-activated my quirk to make the wall of things crumble down. They left looking for me, but thankfully I hid pretty well.
I was training to be a villain after all.
I looked both ways before I walked back to school now VERY late.
I came into the classroom sprinting, when I opened the door, I saw all the students standing up and talking, some reading or doing other activities. When they realized that I was there from the slam of the door, they all turned to stare. Some even seemed to be in awe some in annoyance, and some in curiosity.
I waved awkwardly and looked around. They all started to surround me and ask me questions.
'Should I start doing the wall-thing again? Maybe I could use the desks.' I said as a bead of sweat ran down my cheek.
I smiles nervously and awkwardly at all the bombarded questions. Around three people were sitting down and had paid no mind to me.
Thank you!
I tried to answer a few questions before I was (thankfully) interrupted by another loud slam of the classroom's door.
I turned to look at the man. He looked like he was in his late 30's from the way he looked so tired. He had long black hair and, in a way, a beard like Mr. Stark from MARVEL but shorter in length? I have no idea how to describe this man except for probably the most tired looking man on earth. He looked as dead as probably how that man found me on the news when I fell off of that roof.
My life lately has been chaotic now that I think about it.
He entered and instructed all of us to sit down in our respective seats.
I remained standing.
He looked at me and told me to come to the board to introduce myself.
I cleared my throat and began speaking.
"Hello. I am Midoriya Izuku. I am 16. Please treat me well." I bowed and then looked at the man who apparently was my new teacher.
He looked at the class and asked, "Any questions?"
Many hands popped up.
I looked at the ground and then back up. My eyes landed on an empty seat.
'Wonder who sits there...' I thought.
"Yes Jirou." He said.
I looked at the emo-looking girl.
"Weren't you on the news not long ago?" She asked.
I nodded. "Yes."
Everyone seemed to get excited.
"Why what happened?" She asked.
"Depending on what time that I was on the news..." I replied.
Some girls seemed to fangirl and the rest just paid attention to me.
"Tell us all!!" Someone yelled.
I sighed and replied. "The first was for when I had an... accident and got super injured. The other one is when I saved some people from a falling helicopter." I scratched the back of my neck.
Everyone gasped and even cheered.
"Any other questions?" The man asked once more. Less hands were up now. I assume that Jirou already asked most people's questions.
"Yes Kirishima."
I looked at the red haired guy who's hair was brushed back in a way.
"What's your quirk?" He asked.
They all seemed to be asking themselves the same thing, for they started to bicker quietly to each other.
"Silence..." Said the teacher with a yawn.
"I guess you'll have to find out later no?" I replied with a smile.

I guess this won't be so bad after all.


HA! Look who finally updated! I am almost done moving in!! We just have to finish cleaning and remodeling as well as setting up everything in each room. I'm still mad my little brother got a bigger room than I... >:(
For those confused little beans, the empty seat in this chapter was for Bakugou. He didn't go to class that day because I say so >:D
This is it guys! The start of the story for sure!
I have over 1000 words in this chapter so be glad.
Also, thank you all for liking and reading this story! I am glad you read this crap and tell me you like it. It makes my day!

Also, what's your favorite character in class 1-A?


Future me:

Have a great rest of your day :)

☁️🌙 [Status: Edited Apr. 10, 2021]🌙☁️

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now