USJ Incident (1/2)

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(I lied when I said the last chapter I wrote was the longest one so far ;) so y/n... grab your popcorn, a drink and enjoy the chapter you waited so long for!)

50k reads, special chapter!!
I never thought I'd get this far!
Thank you!

I had woken up early, not to train or anything, but from the excitement and anxiousness for this afternoon's events. I couldn't get any rest at all that night, which sucks 'cause I was tired.
Groaning and stretching until all of my joints popped and made a satisfying cracking sound, I got up and went to take a shower to get ready for school early.
After the shower I made breakfast for both me and my mom.
"Blueberry pancakes-" I smiled, as I flipped the delicious food over to the uncooked side, making the more golden side go face-up. Purple-ish spots that looked almost like blood covered some parts of the pancake and only like two spilled a bit into the frying pan.
I looked at the clock on my phone and it was 5:45 a.m.
"Too early..." I said to myself.
I took my food, placed it neatly on a clean plate and sat down, ready to eat.
I was savoring every bit when a small figure approached. "Izu...?" Said the female voice in a confused and groggy tone.
"Hey mom! I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast!" I replied, pointing at the empty spot in front of where I was seated, which had a plate full of the food I had made, ready to be eaten.
"Wow! Thank you for making the food Izuku! I hope it's as good as it looks and smells!" She smiled warmly like usual and sat down.
She bowed her head and clasped her hands together."Thank you for the food!"
She started to slowly eat but then continued to get faster until she was done; but I finished before she did of course.
"A-Ah! It's getting late if I want to walk with a friend today!" I panicked as I had somehow lost track of time.
I didn't even notice!
"Thanks for the pancakes sweetie~!" My mom said loudly as I had already ran to my room to grab my stuff for the day.
I ran out and quickly took my extra suit in a separate bag, to put in a closer, yet hidden, spot near the USJ building to later change into. My suit, my mask, and the gun just in case of an emergency were packed there safely.
No one had to die today except for All Might.
I ran back to the kitchen, kissed my mom's forehead and headed out the door to the bus stop headed to the school for "future heroes". I almost tripped getting there a few times. I kept running as if my life somehow depended on it until I spotted a red and white haired figure a bit farther. I managed to speed up a bit more until I approached Todoroki and clung myself onto his shoulder.
Panting, I managed to say hello.
We just stood there, me trying to catch my breath whilst holding onto Todoroki's shoulder for dear life. In the other hand, he just stood there looking down at me a bit confused and surprised face expression. It was probably from me showing up out of nowhere.
"Hello to you too Midoriya." He replied calmly.
I wasn't even going to try to correct him, I was too tired.
After I caught my breath we went to school. In between classes I hid my suit in a tree branch decently far away from the building we would later access. I told Kurogiri to teleport me there to get my stuff and then leave the portal open for me to cross through again, and appear back to battle against my own classmates.
It was the usual at first. English, Art, Algebra, you know; school stuff. Up until we had to go to homeroom to get our hero costumes and then go to the USJ building for our training.
I examined my new suit and grinned. It looked like my dream hero costume from when I was younger. I used the same reference for it since I really didn't know what to do and ran out of ideas.
It was a simple blue-green (or teal if you will) colored fabric, with an attached mask that covered my full face. It had the design of a bunny, in a way. I was...well...creative at a young age.
My plan was already set into motion, and in all honesty I felt a lot more confident for some reason.
I put on my hero suit and found my way back to my classroom to get all gathered and wait for a bus to take us to the building since it was quite a distance from here.
Aizawa explained that we were going to be training with a greatly known and respected hero, Thirteen. He was going to put us in different simulators and see how well we work in each one.

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