Grand Theft Auto 2.0

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I jolted awake when the van hit a large bump on the road, causing me to slam my head on the wall of the car.

"Shit..." I mumbled, rubbing at the spot on my head where it had hit the wall.

"What-" I breathed out. Looking around, I noticed everyone was piled near the back door of the car. "What are you guys doing?" I asked, groggily getting up. They turned to me and smiled.

Shigaraki stepped towards me casually. "Turns out Overhaul's ass was beat by some guy from your school. Blonde kid. Probably a third year. They have him in a government facility's van in the other road." He explained.

"We're gonna jump him." Spinner added from behind the wheel.

I grinned. "You really didn't like him... did you?"

He simply smirked and walked out the moving van's door, climbing onto the roof of it.

"Where's Toga, Eri, and Twice?" I asked looking around. "I swore they were here with us."

"They were, but we dropped them off to supervise the police for a bit like you asked us to. As for Eri, Kurogiri is with her at the base." Compress explained, still holding the phone to his ear. "I'm talking to Toga as we speak! I- yes Toga, Izuku is fine." He said.

The car violently merged lanes, swinging me against the wall once more. I hissed in pain at the harsh contact of my decently frail body with the wall.

Dabi turned around somewhat annoyed. "Hey lizard. You're swervin' all over. I get carsick easily."


'That explains it all...' I sweatdropped, clinging onto anything near me for dear life.

"The hell you getting mad for? Such a pain." Dabi complained.

"Take care of driving Spinner." Shigaraki said bluntly.

"Now then..." Dabi extended his hand out towards the police cars behind us. He fired a large explosion of blue fire at the vehicles causing most of them to roll back, slamming onto the ground after a few spins. "Who's that?" Asked Dabi.

I looked through the space to see one of the cars covered in sand. "That's Sand Hero: 'Snatch'." I said.

"A hero! Of course you'd be here!" Shigaraki said. I. Had no idea what he was doing up on the roof of the car, but I knew he was moving around since there was soft metallic thuds with each step. "What a bother!" He hissed.

The hero shot a bunch of sand onto our van, shoving Dabi, Compress, and me onto the other side of the van, against a wall.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I groaned in annoyance, pushing Dabi's arm off of me.

Shigaraki jumped off of the roof onto the pile of sand, gripping onto it. It didn't desintegrarte. The three of us brushed the sand off and headed towards the opened doors.

"Shigaraki's trying to distract them." Compress said, adjusting his hat. He bowed, tossing one of his marbles out the door, causing it to jump on the road a bit before enlarging onto a giant boulder. "A hop, skip, and up the patrol car goes!" The boulder caused the car the hero and Shigaraki were fighting on to be thrown backwards.

Shigaraki landed safely on the windshield of the dark van Overhaul was supposed to be carried on. He placed his hands on the glass, disintegrating it and falling inside the driver's side. I used the strength I had regained from my nap and pushed most of the patrol cars firing at us, away.

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