Toga and Dabi

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I stepped into the league hideout and slumped on one of the bar stools. "Tireddd...." I mumbled.

Kurogiri sighed and put down the millionth cup he's probably wiped down today. "Hero school treating you that bad?" He asked.

I practically slammed my forehead against the wooden table in front of me. "Yes..." I said, though the voice came out rather muffled.

"How's your mom doing? Did the whole... you know... thing affect her too bad?" He asked concerned.

I turned my head to face the mist man. I didn't know what to say very well so I tried my best wording it. "I don't know... she's been acting off lately..."

"How so?"

"Well... she's been acting completely different to how she usually acts..." I paused and sighed. "It feels like she's still not with me yet. She doesn't act like the caring, kind, selfless mom she used to. I sometimes come from that hell of a school and ask her if she wants to eat, like I usually ask her since I come home and make us both food... but she keeps saying she already ate." I ranted.

"That's odd..." He said, picking up another cup and wiping it. "Maybe she has been eating but when you're away?"

I shook my head.I go and check the dryingrack for our plates and even the sink for any sign of food at all. Nothing."

"Maybe she has some sort of eating disorder from the trauma?" He suggested.

I shook my head. "It's not an eating disorder, I know that much. It's as if she can't eat. At all. I'm worried..."

A moment of silence passed that honestly made me feel relaxed. I laid my head on my arm and closed my eyes for a second before I heard a voice call out.

'I must've fallen asleep. Was I that exhausted from today?' I yawned and rubbed my eyes, spotting a man with glasses and a lit cigarette in his mouth standing with the door open.

There were two others in front of me who I didn't recognize either, though they both struck me to be extremely familiar, especially the one with the burnt skin.

A scratch voice erupted from behind me making me jump in my own seat. "Blackmist... fling these two fuckers off somewhere." I turned my head to see the pale-blue haired boss sitting almost-calmly a few seats behind me.


"It seems like the two types I hate the most came as a god darn set." He pointed in the direction of the blonde and raven-haired strangers. He moved his finger to point at the blonde girl first. "A snot-nosed little shit" then he moved his finger towards the stapled man. "And some asshole who doesn't understand respect."

The girl pouted. "Say what?"

Kurogiri interfered, not letting handy-man say anything else to the two. "Our guests went through all the trouble of coming here. If nothing else, let us at least hear what they have to say, Shigaraki Tomura." He scolded. "Besides, their broker's name carries weight and the folk that he introduces should prove strategically advantageous."

The guy with the cigarette puffed out some smoke making me scrunch up my nose in disgust of the smell. "Yo, I don't care what you guys do. Mr. Blackmist, just cough up the service charge, will ya?" He stepped forwards a few steps. "And y'a might as well listen to their introductions, no?"

He pointed at blondie with his thumb. "First up, this cute little high school girl. The media is keeping her name under thorough wraps as she's on the run as the suspect for serial blood-draining murders." She smiled at that.

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