36) The Calm and the Storm

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Adrienne had spent the whole of last evening consoling Noah. Internally, she felt a wave of satisfaction and relief but she knew that at the end of the day, Noah was different from the Weasleys and he was used to more traditional and conservative beliefs. She had made him promise that he wouldn't go after Fred. But Noah was mad, very mad. It had taken everything in Adrienne to get him to calm down, she didn't want another fight.

Adrienne's eyes fluttered open at 6 in the morning to see that the Noah's place on the bed next to her was empty except for a small bit of parchment laying crumpled in the sheets. She picked up to see that it read 'At the Ministry with Arthur, I'll be back late at night so don't stay up'.

Today was Christmas Eve and she felt bad that he had to work late into the night but then she realised that she could spend as much time  as she wanted with Fred. After brushing her teeth, taking a shower and getting dressed, she headed downstairs to see Mrs. Weasley, Bill and Fleur standing near the door and pulling on their coats.

"G'morning Adrienne" Bill and Fleur greeted.

"My you're up early! The three of us are going to Aunt Muriel's for the day, she always insists to see them on Christmas Eve" Molly explained.

"Why not everyone else?" Adrienne asked.

"I'm about 99% sure Auntie Muriel is looking for a way to disown Fred and George as her nephews" Bill chuckled, linking his arm with Fleur's.

"She's not the most pleasant witch to have around" Fleur sighed.

"We'll be back in the evening, Arthur and Noah are at the Ministry and George and Oliver haven't gotten back home from yesterday, I wonder where those boys are. Anyway, I've cooked breakfast and lunch for all of you so you lot don't mess up my kitchen. See you later dearie" Molly smiled before the three of them apparated out of the house.

Adrienne smiled as she realised that since George wasn't home, Fred would be alone in his bedroom. She quietly went back upstairs and pushed his door open. Fred was laying shirtless amongst various pillows and sheets, his hair sticking out in various directions, the sunlight playing on his skin and eyelashes, his arm wrapped around a giant white pillow. The sight of him sleeping always put Adrienne at ease.

She slipped into the covers with him, removing the pillow from his grasp and laying there instead. Fred tightened his grip around her and buried his head in the back of her neck, letting out a deep exhale. Adrienne beamed at the warm and familiar feeling, resting her hand on top of his.

"Harry, you've got to stop sneaking in my bed and waking me up like this every morning" his morning voice sounded from behind her.

Adrienne shook her head with a smile, it didn't matter what time of the day it was, he'd always make a joke. She turned around to face him and he opened his eyes, a small, sleepy smile on his face as he looked up at her.

"Morning, angel" he smiled, stretching his limbs out a little under the blankets. Adrienne responded by pressing a soft kiss on his nose, her hand resting on his cheek. She wished she could wake up with him like this every morning.

"I'm sorry about last night, with Noah, think I may have stepped out of line even though he deserved it for being an absolute shit hole" he frowned, chewing on his lower lip.

"Don't be sorry Fred, you did what I was too afraid to do and I wanted to thank you for it. We can move on and forget about it" she offered. Fred took her wrists in his hands and glowered at them, feeling anger bubble in his chest once more.

"I'm serious Fred, it's alright, he won't ever do this again so we can just forget about it" Adrienne said, she didn't want to linger on this for too long. Fred nodded hesitantly but in his mind, he was already planning a thousand and one ways to hex Noah.

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