2) Greetings

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"Everything alright?" Adrienne asked, entering Hermione's room to see that she had already unpacked, putting everything neatly away in the closet.

"Perfect" she smiled walking over to the bed and laying down on it, letting out a huge sigh.

"How's Noah?" she asked.

"He's alright, busy at work as usual" Adrienne said, sitting next to Hermione on the bed.

"Some things never change huh?" Hermione chuckled.

"That reminds me, how are thing with you and Ron?" Adrienne asked, waggling her eyebrows.

A deep blush formed on Hermione's cheek and she looked away, gazing at the ceiling.

"Okay I think" she said distractedly.

Adrienne decided not to push it any further, partially because she was interrupted by loud laughter coming from the living room.

"Well I'll leave you lot be, have fun!" Adrienne said, getting up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked, sitting up on the bed.

"Um..to my bedroom?"

"Absolutely not. You will come out with me and I'm going to introduce you to the rest of them"

"Don't you remember how much I hated being around the twins?"

"It's been five years!"

"I know but-"

"No buts, you're coming out there with me wether you like it or not. Besides, you can always just talk to Harry and Ron"

Adrienne thought about it for a moment. Hermione was right, it had been five years after all. Surely a few weeks with Fred and George couldn't be too bad.

"Fine" she sighed and an excited Hermione jumped up from the bed, grabbed her hand and leading her outside to the living room.

Harry and Fred were sitting on the sofa and George and Ron were on the floor, laughing amongst each other once more.

"Oh hey Hermione, Adrienne" George said as they sat on the floor too.

"Look I really don't want to intrude-"

"Oh stop it Adrienne, you're not intruding in the slightest. You're one of my closest friends I'm not going to let you stay locked up in your room for a whole month!"

"Yes it'd be quite a shame to not have your around when you're living in the same house" said Fred, a mischievous smirk on his face. Damn she hated that smirk of his.

Adrienne knew that he was only trying to get on her nerves but she let it slide this time.

"I do remember you from school now that I think about it!" Harry said, his eyes widening, "You're the one who hexed Malfoy when he threw a curse at Hermione weren't you? It was quite funny"

"Malfoy was hexed and I didn't know about it?" Ron said, looking rather upset that he had missed out on the spectacle.

"It was bloody brilliant, she turned his 'precious platinum locks' into a green and purple afro, how do you not remember that?" Harry said, his lips upturning in a massive smile.

"It was nothing" Adrienne laughed.

"Oh it was definitely something, I think I saw Malfoy cry and say-"

"My father will hear about this!" George, Harry and Hermione shouted with a dramatic flair all at the same time before bursting into peals of laughter.

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