45) Just a dream?

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Her iridescent laughter floated lightly through the air, messy hair splayed out on the pillows, eyes shining under the afternoon rays of the sun "You're the worst!" she said between laughs, squirming underneath Fred's hold. He couldn't take his gaze off of her, she looked like an angel sent straight from heaven.

"And yet you're here lying with me in bed and putting up with me" Fred grinned, his fingertips lightly grazing her sides where he had been tickling her a few moments ago. "Well you're lucky I still like you...only a little bit though" she said, trying to look all serious.

"Only a little bit?" Fred pouted, his eyebrows furrowing together. She couldn't help the smile that grazed her lips as she threaded her fingers through his hair, "Just a little bit" she replied.

Fred lowered his head, pressing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose "Why not more?" he asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Because you keep tickling me even though I've told you I hate it" she said amusedly.

Fred brought his hands up and rested them on her cheeks, "Because I like seeing you laugh" he said honestly. Her laugh was one of the many reasons he was falling in love with her. Then, he squished her cheeks together under his palms so that she looked almost comical "And because you're so unbelievably adorable" he chuckled, kissing the tip of her nose once more.

She shook her head with another one of those dazzling laughs of hers, making Fred feel all tingly inside "There are other ways to make me laugh y'know? Besides tickling" she loved messing with him sometimes.

Fred pretended to be deep in thought for a few moments before he grabbed one of the blankets and got off from the bed, wrapping the blanket around his torso so that it flowed down to the floor "How do you like my wedding dress?" he asked, twirling around in it. She pursed her lips together, she knew he was trying to make her laugh and she wasn't going to give in so easily.

When Fred saw she didn't laugh, he got rid of the blanket and walked over to her wardrobe in just his boxers. From there, he retrieved one of her longer skirts and pulled it on, the hem stopping just a few inches above his knees. "How do I look?" he asked, twirling around once more, "Dashing don't you think?"

"You look like my nan" she joked and Fred gasped dramatically, his hand coming to rest on his chest.

"Don't lie, I know you think it looks sexy"

It was true, he definitely did look sexy but she didn't say it out loud, still keeping up her joke "Mm...I think my nan could still pull it off better" she replied with a smirk. Fred looked at her in amusement, "Now you've gone and done it, good luck trying to save yourself from this one" Fred said before jumping on to the bed and tickling her sides once again. She burst into peals of laughters, squirming underneath his body like a madwoman.

"Fr...Fred, stop! Please..." she said in between breaths. "F-Fine! You look sexy alright?" she laughed when she couldn't take it anymore. Fred stopped tickling her, grinning down at her haughtily. she pouted, "I told you to make me laugh, not wear a skirt and force a confession out of me" she crossed her arms.

"You're lucky you like me...even if it's just a little bit" he giggled, quoting her from earlier before closing the distance between them, their lips finding each other, their fingers interlacing and their chuckles turning into soft whimpers of pleasure.


3:45 PM

Fred awoke with a start, his breathing slightly heavy. His blanket had been kicked off of him long before. In his chest, his heart beat wildly as the dream played through his head over and over again. He stared at the ceiling, visions of the woman from the dream pervading his thoughts.

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