5) Grape

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The next morning, when Adrienne opened her eyes she noticed two things. The first was how beautiful the campsite looked early in the morning. The mist hung low over the lake which rippled gently, reflecting the trees around it. The sun had only just risen and was beaming softly on the group of sleeping people.

The second thing was Fred. Harry was right when he had said that Fred was a clingy sleeper. His head was buried into Adrienne's back and his arm was wrapped around her waist. One of his legs was even slightly draped on her own.

She felt herself snuggling into his embrace, he was just so warm, like a bear. Adrienne chuckled at the last thought.

She shifted a little and her eyes went wide when she felt something hard on her hip. A blush formed on her cheeks. She knew it was common for guys to become hard in the morning but when she felt it on her hip, an indescribable feeling filled her stomach.

She moved away quickly, causing Fred to wake up.

His eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was the back of Adrienne's head, the first thing he smelt was the scent of shampoo in her hair and the first thing he felt was her body tucked into his. He enjoyed it even though it was Adrienne who was the one he was hugging. But for some reason, that didn't make him pull away.

"Morning" he said, his voice deep from sleep.

The sound of his raspy morning voice from behind her made her shiver.

"Morning Fred"

Fred shifted slightly and his eyes widened when he noticed the situation in his pants.

"Shit" he groaned.

"What happened- oh" Adrienne realised, a smile forming on her lips.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" Fred quickly turned around to his other side, feeling embarrassed.

"It's alright Fred" Adrienne turned to her other side too to face his back, "It's normal, you don't have to be ashamed about it"

"But I probably made you feel really uncomfortable"

Adrienne didn't tell him that she had actually felt the complete opposite of uncomfortable.

"You didn't, not even a little bit, so don't worry about it"

Fred visibly relaxed as he let out a deep sigh.

Adrienne didn't say another word, pretending as if she had fallen back to sleep. She heard Fred take a few deep breaths to calm himself down before he drifted off to sleep.

Adrienne realised that this was probably the first time Fred had ever apologised to her about something, what an odd first apology. But she brushed it off with a chuckle, going back to sleep too.


By the time everyone had made it back to the lodge from their camping trip, they were exhausted.

"My wand! How I missed it!" Ron cried in relief as he grabbed his wand from his bedroom, magicking a glass of water for himself.

"C'mon Ron, it wasn't that bad" Fred said, "I quite enjoyed it actually"

"It's not the trip I didn't enjoy, it's the fact that I felt so hopeless without my wand"

Harry was almost jumping in excitement, Ginny was going to be here any minute and he couldn't wait.

"Just wait till you meet her Adrienne, you're going to love her" said Harry, Adrienne found it adorable how much he had missed his girlfriend.

"That's an overstatement mate, she could rip you into pieces if she wanted to" George joked.

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