60) No tomorrow

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A/N: I've put up my version of the floor plan of the Arcanus Lodge above, if anyone would like to colourise it or make it look a bit more better you can dm me :)

As Fred and Adrienne slipped back into their clothes, they didn't say a word to each other. The silence in the air was awkward, thick, and very unusual for both of them because they had ended up doing exactly what they had decided not to do.

Adrienne was surprised to say the least, surprised that Fred had even given this a thought. She had only seen the angry side of him in the past week, so Fred initiating the situation with a kiss was far from everything that he had put forth ever since he had regained all his memory.

Fred on the other hand was confused. He didn't know why he did it, he just knew that he had to. He had to let it out of his system because everything inside him was falling apart. What he didn't understand was, why was it Adrienne who became the one to fix everything when she was the one to break him in the first place?

They were at a standstill yet again because in their minds, letting their desires get the best of them may not have been the right way to go about things. It was wrong, immature. That's what they had always been: immature. Their immaturity is what wove them together into whatever was left between them.

Once they were fully dressed, they headed inside the lodge, the silence following them, the chirping of the insects still ringing in their ears. Adrienne pushed her hair behind her ears after shutting the door close while Fred awkwardly leaned against the counter. His hands clutched the edges tightly, his tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth while he looked at anything but her.

Adrienne clasped her hands behind her back, leaning against the door. "You should get some sleep, you've got a portkey to catch tomorrow morning" she said after a few minutes.

"Portkey...yeah. I do" Fred replied, nodding slightly. They waited for each other to say the next words or make the next move, neither of them actually making the effort to do it themselves.

"You should go to bed, it's late and you have to be up early" Adrienne replied, nervously rubbing the top of her palm with her thumb. She tilted her head in the direction of his bedroom and Fred's eyes rested on the door that opened into it.

He didn't want to go back to his own bedroom.

"Be out by 8:30 tomorrow, so you can eat some breakfast before leaving" Adrienne added. By now, she was only making small talk, trying to prolong whatever time they had left together. Fred nodded, crossing his arms over his chest and pursing his lips together.

"Good night then, Fred" Adrienne said, pushing herself off the door and walking past him into the hallway. But before she could get out of his sight, Fred blurted out the question she had hoped she wouldn't have to answer.

"Are we just going to pretend all that didn't happen?" Fred asked, turning his head to the side to face Adrienne. She stopped in her tracks, squeezing her eyes shut, hoping the floor underneath would open up and swallow her whole.

"I'm asking you a question" he spoke again when she didn't reply. His voice wasn't firm, nor was it angry. It was distant.

"I think you already know the answer to that question" Adrienne deferred. But Fred wasn't having any of it.

"I think our answers are completely different and I want to know yours" Fred said, turning around and clutching the counter again, the veins on his forearms popping out as he leaned against it. Adrienne let out a deep sigh before turning around to face him.

"Yes, I am going to pretend as if nothing happened because it was...it was stupid, and reckless, and we were half drunk" she said matter-of-factly. It helped ease the pain of knowing that he would be leaving the next morning.

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