14) Confrontations

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The next few days were bitter to say in the least. Things between Adrienne and Fred had gone even more downhill. Adrienne had continued to ignore him and Fred did the same. The only time they would talk to each other would be to throw crude remarks.

The entire group was growing sick of it, it created a very awkward tension in the atmosphere in the lodge.

"Why are you two so mad at each other anyway? It was just a game" Ginny had asked Adrienne once.

"It's not just the game Gin" she obviously couldn't tell her the real reason so she cooked something up, "Your brother had been such a prat to me back in school and he doesn't even bother apologising"

Of course, Fred had already apologised for that. Several times. In her bed, on the couch. Their differences at Hogwarts were far behind them, but Ginny couldn't know the real reason so Adrienne had to make an excuse.

Adrienne hated lying to Ginny, she hated lying to everyone. But then she thought that it was hypocritical of her to even think that because here she was, lying to her own husband.

She hated to admit it but even though she had tried hard in the beginning of their marriage, things just never seemed to go right. She had never been attracted to Noah so it was all very unnatural.

Adrienne was sitting on the dining table, pouring over a book when suddenly, Hermione emerged from her room, grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the living room.

"Hermione what are you doing?" Adrienne asked, confused.

"I need to talk to you" she said, the both of them sitting down on the couch.

"What's the matter?" Adrienne asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"What is going on between you and Fred?" she was straightforward. Hermione had been noticing them for quite a while now but she had kept quiet about it. The hickey on Adrienne's neck from earlier had only further proven her suspicions.

Ginny walked out of her room, a grin reaching her lips when she saw Hermione and Adrienne sitting in the living room.

"Ooh goody, we're doing the confrontations now!" she said excitedly, making her way over to the both of them.

"Confrontations? Hang on, you both planned this?" Adrienne crossed her arms.

"Not just the both of us..." Hermione started but was interrupted by Fred yelling loudly and then the sound of a loud thump and footsteps in the boys room.

"What the hell are you lot trying to do?" Fred's muffled voice sounded.

The door flew open and out came Harry and George, the both of them holding on to each of Fred's arms as if he was a prisoner.

Following them was Ron, eating a donut.

"LET..ME..GO" Fred shouted, freeing himself from Harry's and George's grip and crossing his arms.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's happening here?" Adrienne asked.

"I have no idea either, I was just eating my donut" Ron shrugged, sitting down next to Adrienne, his mouth stuffed. Hermione rolled her eyes at him although there was a glint of adoration in them.

She got up from her seat on the sofa and stood in front of Adrienne, crossing her arms.

"Fred, sit next to Adrienne"


"I told you to sit next to Adrienne" she repeated more loudly.


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