25) Birthday

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual content that could make some readers uncomfortable. It's filthy. Pleasure for consenting men is as important as pleasure for consenting women :)

"C'mon you guys! What's going on?" George groaned like an impatient child. It was the 1st of April, Fred and George's 24th birthday. They had been woken up with a shower of presents, hugs and a loud cacophony of everyone singing the 'Happy Birthday' song.

They spent the afternoon exchanging presents. Adrienne had two for Fred but as of now, she had only given him one. It was a chain (she had noticed he wore chains often) with a little, emerald grapefruit charm on it. Fred loved it, the grapefruit bringing back memories of one of their first, steamy afternoons together. She had put it around his neck for him, the both of them grinning stupidly at each other as the memory replayed in their minds.

The second gift was for later tonight, though Fred didn't know that yet.

Everyone was bubbling with excitement as the evening approached. Adrienne had spent hours together at Oxwell so that she could organise something special for them. She was lucky that she knew so many of the villagers who were willing to help her out.

"This is torture!" Fred moaned, his feet tapping the ground impatiently. Adrienne glanced at the clock to see that it had struck 7.

"Alright! Let's go" Everyone jumped up in excitement, grabbing their coats and pulling on their shoes. Adrienne pushed the door of the cabin open and the group walked out, chattering loudly amongst themselves. "We're going to walk it" Adrienne announced.

The group made their way through the winding paths that led to Oxwell. "These lights weren't here before" George pointed out, looking at the fairy lights that hung between the trees, illuminating their path.

"Yea, almost killed myself trying to get those up" Ron grinned, looking at his handiwork. "But it was all Adrienne's idea"

Fred wrapped his arm around Adrienne's waist and pulled her to his side as they continued to walk to the village. "Thank you love, it's beautiful" he kissed the top of her head.

"Oh this is nothing Fred, the best is yet to come" she said with a knowing smile. Fred and George's expressions turned into that of excited little kids on Christmas at Adrienne's words.

When they approached the village central, they were met with the shine of several fairy light that had been hung up on all the shops, and streets, illuminating the village in a lively, golden light. Mrs. Longbottom, Neville's grandma, who worked the greenhouse in Oxwell had brought out several pots of her special flowers. They glowed blue and pink and bedecked the windowsills of the quaint little shops.

In the corner was a little radio that played Fred and George's favourite muggle songs. Ron had told Adrienne how the twins loved to celebrate their birthdays with a bash so she went all out, hoping that this would be enough.

"Mister Weasley and Mister Weasley! Happy Birthday!" the old lady from l'aphrodisiaque rushed over to them, enveloping them in a hug. She was significantly shorter than them so it was quite a funny sight. "Here's a little gift from my shop, you both have been lovely customers after all, have fun with it!" she grinned cheekily, handing them both a pink box with her shop label written on it.

"Lovely customers eh? What've you been going to l'aphrodisiaque for Georgie?" Fred smirked, pocketing his gift.

"You don't wanna know" George grinned, putting the box in his own pocket too.

Many of the other passersby noticed them and wished them a happy birthday too. The forest fairies, who only made themselves visible on special nights, whizzed about, their tiny little bodies flying effortlessly in the sky, making everything seem even more magical.

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