29) Noah

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"Hello Adrienne, nice to have you back" her husband wrapped his arms around her, a polite smile on his face. Adrienne hugged him back lightly, all the while feeling as if something was missing. On her leg, she felt the paws of her little dog digging into her trousers. "Beco!" she smiled, lifting him up in her arms and kissing the top of his head, "I missed you" she giggled as it started to squirm out of her grip, he hated being lifted off the ground.

"Good you're back, I couldn't take care of it anymore, annoyed the hell out of me" Noah said, leading her and Beco into the living room. Her jaw dropped when she saw her parents seated on the couch, drinking from cups of tea.

"Oh Adrienne darling! So nice to have you back after an entire month!" Mrs. Ellis set her cup aside and embraced Adrienne in a hug that seemed more cold than motherly. "You must have gone crazy with all those people at the lodge, god forbid you ever have to go through taking care of those kind of people again" she laughed as if she had just made a very funny joke. Noah and Mr. Ellis joined in too but Adrienne remained silent.

"Go on then, tell us all about what you did!" Mr. Ellis said as Adrienne quietly seated herself on the couch, Beco resting on her lap.

"Erm...the usual. Stayed out of the guest's way like all cabin owners are meant to" Adrienne lied. She hated how naturally it was coming to her.

"Wonderful, wouldn't want you mingling with the likes of them" Noah scoffed, his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe, eyeing Adrienne from afar.



As Adrienne had expected, the sound of the main door shutting and closing and the house elves greeting her husband a good evening echoed throughout the Davis-Ellis mansion. She sighed, reheating the food on the stove before laying it on the table. "Evening" Noah said, sitting down at the table and starting to eat. "How was work?" Adrienne asked, sitting opposite him, her hands crossed under her chin.

"Alright, those workers are blithering idiots, every single one of them. Ever since they made Arthur Weasley head of the muggle artefacts department it's been pure chaos" Noah spat. Adrienne knew he was lying, he just needed an excuse to talk badly about the people he hated.

"How does that bother you? You don't even work in the Muggle department"

"It's all connected" he said vaguely.

After he finished eating, Adrienne got dressed for bed, lying down on the sheets as yet another lonely night descended upon her. It had been a bit more than two months since she had returned from the lodge, yet, it felt like ages. She spent most of her energy trying not to think of him. Sadness filled her as she was faced with the brutal truth every time she looked at Noah's face. Noah was endgame, Fred was a fling. How she wished she could change that.

She felt the bed dip beside her as Noah lay down on it. He turned his head to face her, his eyes raking up and down her body. Adrienne would be lying if she said that he wasn't handsome. Deep blue eyes, dark blonde hair, all the girls at school used to swoon over him. Yet, Adrienne didn't see in him what she saw in Fred.

She felt a hand run up her arm and before she knew it, Noah was on top of her, softly kissing her neck. "It's been long Adrienne" he sighed into her skin, his hands slipping underneath her night shirt.

Adrienne sighed at the feeling of his cold hands on her skin. He slowly started to unbutton her shirt.

Adrienne had denied him intimacy for the past two months, she couldn't do it any longer without him getting suspicious. "Remember what we talked about earlier?" he said and she nodded.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now