19) Hedgehogs

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"Noah" Adrienne spoke into the mouthpiece, her voice on the verge of shaking.

"You haven't called me in weeks" he said, his voice laced with disappointment. Fake disappointment. His deep, baritone voice was enough to make Adrienne shake with resentment because she knew exactly how that voice sounded when he yelled at her.

"You didn't either" Adrienne replied, clutching tightly on the receiver.

"Your mum told me you spoke to her, she told you how much I missed you, didn't she?"

"I'd like to hear that from you, not my mum"

"Don't go acting smart with me, I've called to talk to you, my wife, and this is the tone you take with me?" he was beginning to raise his voice, but Adrienne kept her cool.

"Alright, I'm sorry. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great darling, I miss having you around" Noah said sweetly, as if he hadn't just almost yelled at her a few seconds ago.

Adrienne remained silent, unsure of what to say.

"Do you miss me?" he asked.

"Y-yes" she lied.

"Tell me about the guests" he said.

"You tell me first, how's little little Beco? Is he doing fine without his mummy?" she said, quickly changing the subject.

"Oh he's alright, he misses you. Whenever you're not around he always barks and growls at me it's quite irritating" said Noah, "Anyway, you were telling me about the guests?"

"Um..yes. I suppose mum already told you that the Weasleys are here, and Harry Potter and Hermione Granger"

It was that moment that Fred chose to walk into the hallway, "Addie have you seen my sweater anywhere? I think I may have left it in your room" he spoke loudly.

Adrienne's eyes widened and she motioned him to shut up. Fred looked at her in confusion, walking into her bedroom to retrieve his sweater.

"Who was that?" Noah's voice sounded.

"Um...that was just one of the Weasleys"

"Why would his sweater be in the cabin owner's room? You're the only one who stays there"

"Oh..uh..one of the Weasleys borrowed my room for the night because their bed was infested with gallylags. You know how those pesky little creatures are" Adrienne chuckled nervously.

"Where did you sleep then? In the room with him?"

"No! I was on the couch"

"What? How dare they kick you out of your own room? They're a nasty pack the lot of them, mum's right, no one should ever go mingling with blood traitors" Noah grumbled in irritation. Adrienne wanted to slap him, but at the same time, she was guilty because she was lying to him through her teeth.

"Oh it's alright, anyway, I have to go now. I'll talk to you soon"

"Okay Adrienne. I-I love you" he didn't sound very convincing.

"I-um. Goodbye Noah" she said, hurriedly slamming the phone back in place as she let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Was that Noah?" Fred asked from behind her. He was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.

"Yea" she sighed, turning around to face him.

Fred pursed his lips together, unsure of what to say. They had never really spoken about Adrienne's marriage because they were too lost in their own bliss. That was also why their relationship had no label.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now