12) Smoke

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A/n: Let me know if someone recommends my work on social media, I would love to thank them!

"Where's George?" Fred asked, walking out from his bedroom with a few parchments in hand.

"With Olivia at Oxwell" Ginny said, flipping through a magazine.

"He's always there these days, leaving all the shop work to me" Fred grumbled, sitting next to Ginny.

"He really likes her, let him be for a bit" Hermione chuckled.

"You should take a break too Fred, you've been working the whole day, this was supposed to be a vacation" said Adrienne.

"I would but Verity's off from work today so she's sent all the papers to me, I have to get them to the Ministry by tomorrow" Fred sighed. He had really overworked himself today, starting at 11 in the morning and working all the way till 8 in the evening.

"How's the joke shop doing without you two around to look after it?" asked Harry.

"Not bad actually, but we do need to get back there as soon as we get the flowers so that we can start figuring out the rest of the details for our product" said Fred.

"Oh that reminds me Ron, Harry, can you help me pack a few sweaters to send to mum? I bought some for her because she's running out" Ginny said all of a sudden, getting up from her seat on the couch and motioning to them to follow her.

"Sure" they said, confused, and the three of them entered the girl's bedroom, leaving Hermione, Fred and Adrienne behind.

"I was thinking George could call Olivia for dinner again, she seemed like fun" Hermione said, stretching herself out on the couch. She picked up a book from the side table and began to read it.

Suddenly, there was a loud ringing of the telephone.

"I'll get it" Adrienne said, walking over to the telephone in the hallway.

"Hello?" she spoke into the receiver.

"Adrienne, darling, how are you?" came the sickly sweet voice of Mrs. Delphine Ellis from the other end.

This was odd, her mother almost never called her.

"Hello mother, is anything wrong?"

"Of course not, why does something have to be wrong for me to call you?" she said, not very convincingly.

"Well I'm fine"

"You never told me who this visit's guests were"

Adrienne felt her tongue turn into ice, barely being able to form the words, afraid that she'd say something wrong. It had been so long since the war, yet some conservative pure-bloods like the Ellis family still treated the Weasleys like scum.

"Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and...four of the Weasleys"

There was silence on both ends for a few seconds. Adrienne knew that her mother was just being nosy, Delphine had already known that the Weasleys would be at the lodge.

"Oh that's quite a fancy lot you've got there, have you all been getting along?"

"Very nicely"

"And what about that boy? The tall redhead one"

"You're going to have to be a lot more specific mum" Adrienne rolled her eyes.

"Oh you know very well who I'm talking about. Frederick Weasley was it?"

Adrienne felt her heartbeat pick up in her chest, did she know about their relationship?

"What about him?" Adrienne asked, trying to pull off a nonchalant tone but failing to hide the small shake in her voice.

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