23) Consciousness

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Warnings: Mentions of non-consensual touching, this could get sensitive for some people so please read with caution.


Hermione stood in her place, her wand shaking in her hand as her eyes travelled over all the unconscious bodies lying on the ground. "Damnit" she muttered, pocketing her wand. She had just stupefied Adrienne to stop her from causing anymore damage.

Hermione was confused, she didn't know why Adrienne was behaving that way, or what Fred meant when he had said that she had been drugged. But she knew that Blaise was behind it all.

Hermione first made her way over to Blaise who had been put into unconsciousness by Fred. She had heard Blaise saying that he had known about Noah all along, Adrienne was lucky that Blaise hadn't told Noah about Fred. She shivered to think what would've happened if he had.

Suddenly, there were loud cracks as Ron, Harry and George arrived in the cottage.

"What the hell happened here?" Harry said, looking at everyone lying on the floor. It truly was a disturbing sight.

"GINNY!" he shouted, running towards her and holding her slumped body in his arms. "Who did this to her? Is she alright?" he asked nervously, rocking her back and forth in an attempt to wake her up.

"Oh my god, FRED! What the fuck happened to him?" George cried, looking at his bloodied face. Terrible flashbacks of Fred almost dying in the war played through his head as he tried to shake them away, dropping on to the ground to rest Fred's head in his lap.

"Freddie you're going to be alright" he murmured, pulling out his wand to clean the blood from his face.

"Hermione are you okay?" Ron asked, wrapping his arms around her in a hug to comfort her. He had noticed how unsettled she looked.

"I-I'm fine" she said, "It doesn't make sense Ron" she murmured, still looking at Blaise. Then, she looked up to be met with Ron's comforting yet confused gaze.

"What doesn't make sense?"

"Olivia has no recollection of Blaise, she doesn't remember a thing" Hermione said distractedly, looking back at Blaise. Harry had gone over to Adrienne to make sure she was okay, though he was still hesitant to leave Ginny's side.

Hermione slowly made her way to Blaise before lowering on to the ground and picking up his wand from the floor. She pointed her own wand at it, hoping the spell would work.

"Priori Incantem"

An echo filled Hermione's ears, an echo of the most recent spells cast by Blaise's wand. There were a couple of household spells before two particular ones caught her attention:



"What are you doing?" Ron asked, sitting down next to her.

"I-I think I know what happened here"

Adrienne's eyes flickered open to be met with the ceiling of her bedroom in the lodge. At first, everything was unfocussed, hazy. Gradually, she was able to see more clearly. An emptiness filled her body, as if she had just lost the most important person in her life. She lifted her head up slightly and it started to throb painfully.

She tried to massage her forehead with her hands but it did her no good. Nevertheless, she got up from her bed, her knees shaking as she tried to walk. She felt weak but she wasn't sure why.

"Anyone here?" her voice was croaky as she called out for someone. There was a sound of loud footsteps as George and Ron walked up to her.

"You're up!" they sighed in relief, each taking a hold of her arms and helping her outside her bedroom. "What's going on?" she asked, her eyes squinting to block the light. Every inch of her body bore a dull ache.

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