17) Pretty Boy

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Warnings: This chapter will contain sexual content that may make some readers uncomfortable. I've warned you before and I'm doing it again, this book will have mature themes so please don't read it if you're not comfortable with it

Everyone was rather on edge the next day. Fred and George to be particular, the rest of them were quite excited to meet Oliver, who along with Blaise and Olivia would be at the cabin in half an hour.

"I don't have a good feeling about that guy, I knew him in school and he was a right git" Fred grumbled, referring to Blaise.

"I knew him too Fred and he was a git, but everything's in the past now, we ought to give people second chances you know?" Adrienne reasoned.

"George back me up here, I mean, Zabini's after Olivia too isn't he? And the other day when he was flirting with Adrienne at l'aphrodisiaque?" Fred turned to George for support.

"So you did go to l'aphrodisiaque huh? Took my advice then?" Ginny grinned seating herself on the couch and throwing her legs over George's lap.

That seemed to wake George up from his daydream and he sat up straight.

"What did you say Fred?"

Fred looked at his brother in worry, he had been acting strange and distant the whole day.

"George what is up with you?" Fred asked.

"Up with me? Nothing! I'm fine" he said vaguely.

"Bet he's thinking about Olivia" Ron teased.

"I'm not- never mind" George sighed, leaning back on the couch and covering his face with his hands, massaging his temples.

"They're all going to be here any minute, Harry did you manage to get the firewhiskey?" Hermione asked.

There was a loud knock on the door and Hermione jumped up from her seat to open it.

"Oh it's so lovely to see you all here!" Hermione grinned, welcoming them all inside.

Oliver had a massive smile on his face as he greeted everyone, giving them all a hug.

But when he saw George, he suddenly started fumbling, hesitant if he should hug him like he had the rest.

"Um...hello George" he said awkwardly, giving him a side hug.

"Hey Oliver" George mumbled.

Blaise stood in the corner, looking unsure of what to do since no one really wanted him there in the first place. But Hermione, being warm and welcoming as usual, walked over to him with a smile.

"Hello Blaise, it's so nice to have you here" she led him into the living room where everyone else was. He sat down on the loveseat next to Olivia, and George looked at the both of them, a slightly dejected expression on his face.

"Zabini" Fred greeted curtly.

"Weasley" he replied in the same tone.

"It's been a long time since I've met all of you, how's everything going?" Oliver asked cheerily, taking a sip from his glass of firewhiskey.

"Everything's been great Wood, we're here for some shop business actually"

"What do you mean?"

Fred told him about the flowers they had come for, and how they had ended up in turning this into a vacation.

"What's it like playing for Puddlemore United?" asked Harry.

As soon as the topic of Quidditch was brought into the conversation, Oliver bubbled with excitement, telling them all about his life as a Quidditch player. Him and Ginny seemed to get along quite well too as they compared Quidditch experiences.

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