20) Wine

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Adrienne smoothed down her red dress, liking how it fit her body perfectly. It ended just above the knees, hugged her figure and even had a slit running up the side. Along with it, she wore a pair of black stilettos and tied her hair into a loose, messy bun, for she was quite bad at styling her own hair.

Olivia had asked everyone to dress in semi-formal clothes, which was odd considering how casual of a place Remanora's was. 

"Woah" Fred's voice sounded from behind her. Adrienne turned around to see Fred standing there, his jaw dropped open. He wore a black turtleneck sweater tucked into a pair of black skinny-fit trousers. His fiery red hair was styled up, looking perfect with the all-black attire. His arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe, his eyes roaming Adrienne's body.

"You look so beautiful" he smiled finally, walking towards her.

Adrienne could swear she hadn't seen anything hotter than Fred in al black, semi-formal clothes. Apart from the time when he had worn her makeup of course.

 He held his hand out for her, dramatically bowing forward. "M'lady"

Adrienne let out a chuckle, slipping her hand into his. He kissed the top of her palm, his eyes fixed on hers. Then, he stood back up and pulled her into his chest, kissing the top of her head.

"Your dress is really doing things to me" he murmured into her hair.

"That's not gentlemanly behaviour" Adrienne chuckled, breathing in his cologne.

"Oh believe me, what I'm going to do to you tonight when we get back home isn't going to be very gentlemanly behaviour either" he smirked, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek, his hands running up the sides of her dress, feeling the fabric underneath his skin. He could only imagine how it would feel when he ripped it off of her, or fucked her in it, whichever came first.

"You think about nothing but sex" Adrienne rolled her eyes playfully.

"That's not true! I think about you" he said, holding his arm out for her to grab on to.

"Oh yeah? And how's that any difference from sex?"

"You're not just sex to me Adrienne" Fred said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think about your smile, your loud laughter. I think about how adorable you look when you sleep, or how wild your hair is when you wake up in the morning" he chuckled. 

He wrapped one arm around her waist and held the other hand up with his own, beginning to move in a slow, ballroom dance.

"I think about your voice, the way you bite your lip" he said, looking down at her before slowly spinning her around, and then pulling her close to him once more to continue.

"The way you take care of all of us here in this cabin, the way you took care of those hedgehogs" he murmured against her forehead. Adrienne's eyes fluttered close at the feeling of his warm, comforting breath on her skin.

He dropped her backwards, his arm supporting her waist as her back arched, head tilted back until she could see the both of them in the mirror behind her. She could see him lean forward and kiss her on the column of her throat, "I think about how you moan my name when I make love to you, or how you whisper it when I'm about to fall asleep"

He kissed up her neck before pulling her back up, looking her into the eyes, stopping his dance "I think about the way you look at me, and-and..."

"And what Fred?" she asked him softly.

"And all of it just makes me want to tell you that, that I-" he trailed off.

"Say what?" Adrienne studied his gaze, waiting for his answer. 

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now