9) Never Have I Ever

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The next day was full of suggestive glances shared between Adrienne and Fred. There was no possible way either of them could be alone, especially since Olivia was coming over tonight. Hermione and Ron spent most of their day talking amongst each other, Harry and Ginny had gone on another trip to the village and George gushed non-stop about Olivia.

By the time evening rolled around, Harry and Ginny returned from the village, laughing amongst each other as they burst through the door.

"What's going on?" Ron asked, looking up at the laughing couple.

"Adrienne, were you ever going to tell us that there was an adult store in Oxwell village?" Ginny asked, a smirk on her face.

The first thing Adrienne did was look at Fred who was standing in the kitchen, already looking at here. Was he thinking what she was thinking?

"Is there now? I've never heard of it, what's it called?"

"It's called l'aphrodisiaque, quite an unimaginative name if you ask me" Ginny giggled.

Ron frantically started pointing to the bag Harry was holding in his hands, it said 'l'aphrodisiaque' in cursive.

"Hey! Why've you been shopping there?" Ron asked, baffled.

"No I haven't" Harry said quickly, hiding the bag behind his back.

"Oh don't be such a baby Ron, maybe you and Hermione should go there too" Ginny winked at Hermione before leading Harry to her bedroom. Hermione blushed a deep red while Ron glared at the door Ginny and Harry had shut behind them.

"Olivia's going to be here in half an hour, I'm gonna go shower" said George, heading off to his bedroom.

"Me too, can I use your bathroom Adrienne? Ginny and Harry are in our room and I really do not want to walk in there" said Hermione.

"Course Hermione" Adrienne smiled. Ron whispered something in Hermione's ear and she blushed once again before nodding quickly. She got up and left for Adrienne's room. Ron awkwardly sat on the couch for a few seconds, pretending to be nonchalant.

"Oh Ron stop pretending, go on but please clean up after you both are done" Adrienne rolled her eyes. Ron hurriedly got up from his seat, mumbling a 'thank you' before rushing off to join Hermione in the bathroom.

"Hey Addie, look! Empty living room" Fred pointed out the obvious, a grin on his face.

"Mhmm" Adrienne smiled, slowly walking over to Fred in the kitchen.

"You owe me an orgasm" he said playfully, watching her as she made her way to him.

Adrienne raised her eyebrows, standing right in front of him.

"You owe me two"

"How 'bout we make that even then?" he said, taking a small step closer to her so that their noses were almost touching.

Adrienne rested her hands on his chest before running them down and slipping them underneath his sweater. She explored the warm skin of his torso, feeling his lightly muscled body, she could even feel the goosebumps beginning to rise on his skin.

"Alright Weasley, we'll make it even" she said before lowering down to stand on her knees. She palmed him through his trousers before unbuckling his belt and pulling just the front of it out of the loops. Then, she unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them down his legs. He was semi-hard, the bulge beginning to form in his boxers as he looked down at her.

"What if someone walks in?" Fred asked.

"They won't" she shrugged. She slowly started to pull down his boxers and her eyes widened at the size of him. She knew he was big but she didn't anticipate him to be this well endowed. She cautiously wrapped her fingers around his base and Fred let out a soft moan at her touch, he had daydreamed of how her hands would feel wrapped around his cock many times before but none of his imaginations compared to how good it really felt.

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